CPE Executive Council: 2024 CRE Resolutions

While many of us have already given up on our personal New Years resolutions (resolving to go to the gym for two hours before work every day was lofty and unattainable. Plus the smoothie bar wasn’t open that early, so what’s even the point?), now is still a good time to think about our professional goals and hopes for the industry for the year. This month, the CPE Executive Council shares their 2024 CRE resolutions.
Work Trip
My goal in 2024 is to travel more. Attend half-day conferences and meet more people. Schedule trips near a weekend and stay in the chosen city and explore. —John Cigna, Partner, Crown Advisors
Meet and Greet
My CRE resolution in 2024 is to meet more people in the industry. Also, showcase to the industry that leases and sales transactions are getting done. —Dave Ebeling, Owner, Ebeling Communications
Myth Busters
Work even harder to disabuse common myths about the economy and CRE that keep circulating. —Ryan Severino, Chief Economist & Head of U.S. Research, BGO
By the Numbers
Getting used to a 6 percent+ CRE 10 year mortgage rate and not praying for 4 percent to return! —Shekar Narasimhan, Managing Partner, Beekman Advisors
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