7 money-saving ideas to upcycle your kid’s old crib

Have kids outgrown their cribs? Reinvent it into another useful piece of furniture. The IKEA SNIGLAR or GULLIVER crib is awesome in the laundry room, even in the kitchen and study. Here are a few ways to upcycle them and extend their use for many more years.
3 ways to use IKEA SNIGLAR crib for laundry
Michal shares 3 wonderful ideas for an old unused IKEA SNIGLAR crib. She repurposed the crib to hang the never-ending heap of laundry. The first 3 hacks are made from one SNIGLAR crib using the sidewalls only, original fasteners, additional screws, a piece of board, and 4 caster wheels. You don’t need many tools except for a handsaw, sandpaper, and a cordless drill.
1. Large-capacity laundry basket
Photo Credit: Michal
With this IKEA SNIGLAR hack, you will build a robust laundry basket you can move with ease. Cut both the long sections of the sidewalls of the crib and the short sidewall. Remove the legs as well. Join them together using the original fasteners and additional screws where necessary. Get a board to create the base. Add extra length at the side and back to serve as wall protection. Screw the board into the sidewalls from under the board. Fix casters below the basket. Staple firm fabric inside the cavity. Roll it into the space beside your washing machine.
2. Portable drying rack
Photo Credit: Michal
Cut one of the sidewalls of the SNIGLAR crib and remove the top rail that holds the bars together. Cut the top rail into two equal pieces and make a notch in the middle. Fasten the cut sidewall onto the notched pieces. Just place this portable dryer in front of the fireplace or central heating system and let the clothes dry out.
3. Pegs extension for ladder towel rail
Photo Credit: Michal
The problem with ladder towel rails is that bathroom towels constantly fall down from the rail. And not many towels can be dried all at once. And what if you have other odd-shaped washing to be dried? Here’s the solution. Measure the width of your straight ladder towel rail warmer. Cut the SNIGLAR bars to fit the width and slot them into the towel rail. The protruding bars serve as pegs for towels and other washing.
4. Wall-mounted retractable laundry rack
Photo Credit: IKEAhackers.net
This wall-mounted retractable laundry rack will hold up a load of washing. It is very useful if you have a small laundry area. You can use the IKEA GULLIVER or SNIGLAR crib for this purpose. The picture shows the GULLIVER. Use straight mending plates to join the sidewalls together. You can use one section or two sections, depending on how tall a rack you need. But more than two is not recommended as the rack may get too heavy with a full load of laundry. Then, attach the rack to the wall using two heavy-duty hinges. Finish with a pulley and rope and a cleat hook to hold it in place.
5. Multi-tier cookie drying rack
Photo Credit: Frans Tielen
Need a drying rack for your printed baked goods? It is much cheaper and easier to have IKEA make it. Stack the side units and join them with screws for a cheap but effective cookie-drying rack.
6. Kid’s desk
Photo Credit: Shudie
The little one is ready to write and draw. Adjust the height of the crossbar by drilling mounting holes at the appropriate height and turning the crib into a kid’s desk.
7. Computer desk from an old crib
Photo Credit: Andrijana
The desk setup can work for adults too. Andrijana made a computer desk from her son’s old IKEA GULLIVER crib. Add an IKEA LINNMON table on top and secure the tabletop to the crib frame with L-brackets. If you prefer more legroom, flip the crib over and place the table top on the “feet” of the GULLIVER instead. The cushion is a dog bed. See the tutorial.
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