What Will My Home Appraise For? Here’s How to Check Your Home’s Value

If you’re thinking about selling your house, you’re probably wondering, ‘What will my home appraise for?’ Your home’s value determines how much you could net when you sell it, and thus, how much you have to put down on the next place.
Even if you’re not thinking of selling in the next few months, there are other reasons you might want to keep an eye on how much your home is worth. It can impact tax and estate planning, decisions about remodeling, and more. If you’re curious about your home’s worth, here are some tips on getting an initial home price estimate and how to fine-tune its accuracy.
Why is it important to know my home’s value?
For many homeowners, knowing their home’s worth impacts a wide range of life-navigating decisions.
“For one, they want to make sure they get the proceeds they want if there’s an offer that’s put on the house,” says John Swartz, a top agent in Williamstown, Pennsylvania, who sells properties 63% faster than other agents in his area. But potential profit is just one of many important reasons to find out your home’s value.