Termite Trouble: How to Sell Your Home With These Little Destructive Houseguests

Termites may only be ¼ of an inch in size, but when it comes to your home, they can be one mighty problem.
These little buggers can corrupt a home’s foundation, walls, ceilings, doors — you name it. Worst of all, unless you live in Alaska, there’s no escaping them. They’re a nuisance to homeowners in 49 out of 50 U.S. states — and they especially love warmer climates.
Termites are a big headache for homeowners and an even bigger one for homeowners who want to sell. Luckily, that doesn’t mean that you’re out of options as a seller.
Whether you’re hosting these unwelcome house guests currently or your home has a history of termites, there’s hope for selling your property.
In this guide, we’re covering how to spot these unwanted pests, methods for ridding your home of them, tips for tackling repairs, and perhaps most importantly, two ways to successfully sell a home with termite trouble.