Think your partner’s snoring is ruining your sleep? Data says otherwise. In the largest sleep study ever conducted, IKEA’s research...
Whenever I read a design book or watch some of my favorite interior design content, they’re always talking about how...
Mid-century modern style has withstood the test of time, with many companies creating replicas of iconic vintage pieces. Of course,...
JUMO found a clever and practical solution for hanging clothes and storing shoes on his entryway wall. This easy-to-make hack...
Matteo Pirola, a smart IKEA hacker from Italy, has transformed an old EXPEDIT 5×5 shelf unit into a practical, space-saving...
I’ve always loved the look of a pitched roof and thought about how lucky people were with attic space they...
The bathroom is one place I definitely don’t want to be short on storage. There needs to be places for...
When I found myself in my first apartment, my living room was a museum of hand-me-downs – complete with a...
When I was young, I collected unicorns and tiny Disney statues. The biggest problem with collecting figurines is your collection...
I remember a shiny silver bread box on my grandparent’s kitchen counter, and yes, they kept bread inside it. But...