Should You Sell Your Rental Property, or Keep Holding On?

Rental properties can be a lucrative investment, providing a steady stream of income from rent payments and price appreciation — that is, if everything goes according to plan. But for most owners, there eventually comes a time when it no longer makes financial or personal sense to hold onto a property.
Just as there were likely a host of different reasons that compelled you to purchase your rental in the first place, there could be just as many reasons causing you to consider selling, such as:
Property values are falling in your area.
You’re having trouble keeping the home leased to tenants.
You’ve taken a job in another state and don’t want to worry about managing and maintaining the property from afar.
To help you make the best decision for your situation, we’ve collected a mix of expertise from property investors and real estate agents to create this guide. Here, you’ll find tips and insights to help you recognize the personal, financial, and market-specific signals that indicate whether it’s in your best interests to sell — or whether you should hold off and keep your landlord hat on for now.