Plan to Sell Your House Yourself? Six Eye-Opening FSBO Facts to Know First

The idea that you can sell your house yourself sounds great in theory. Grab a for-sale sign, put in some elbow grease, and you’ll save thousands in commissions as a reward for your hard work. Now that’s empowering. Some would even call it American.
When you consider that most people wouldn’t blink at using DIY tax software or getting rid of a piece of furniture through Craigslist, you’d think this whole solo home-selling thing would be crazy popular by now, too.
So we were surprised to discover that many assumptions about selling your house yourself, also known as For Sale By Owner (FSBO — pronounced “Fizz-bo”), aren’t true. Only 7% of sellers pursued the FSBO route in 2023. Before you put out the for-sale sign and make your open house flyers, here are five facts to consider.