Miami Beach Homes for Sale

Miami Beach Homes for Sale – North Bay Rd, FL 33140
var infowindowA11480604 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
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var markerA11480604 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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map: map,
title:”5250 ALTON RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$3.20M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11480604, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11480604);
var infoStringA11507131 = ‘2995 Flamingo Dr Miami Beach 33140
Price: $10.70M
var infowindowA11507131 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11507131,
var markerA11507131 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11507131,
map: map,
title:”2995 FLAMINGO DR MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$10.70M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11507131, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11507131);
var infoStringA11451692 = ‘646 51 Street Miami Beach 33140
Price: $3.29M
var infowindowA11451692 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11451692,
var markerA11451692 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”646 51 STREET MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$3.29M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11451692, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11451692);
var infoStringA11506799 = ‘3172 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $13.70M
var infowindowA11506799 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11506799,
var markerA11506799 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11506799,
map: map,
title:”3172 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$13.70M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11506799, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11506799);
var infoStringA11362770 = ‘1785 Cleveland Rd Miami Beach 33141
Price: $16.90M
var infowindowA11362770 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11362770,
var markerA11362770 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11362770,
map: map,
title:”1785 CLEVELAND RD MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$16.90M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11362770, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11362770);
var infoStringA11505635 = ‘3747 Royal Palm Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $3.50M
var infowindowA11505635 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11505635,
var markerA11505635 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11505635,
map: map,
title:”3747 ROYAL PALM AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$3.50M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11505635, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11505635);
var infoStringA11504008 = ‘1470 Daytonia Rd Miami Beach 33141
Price: $36.00M
var infowindowA11504008 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11504008,
var markerA11504008 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11504008,
map: map,
title:”1470 DAYTONIA RD MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$36.00M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11504008, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11504008);
var infoStringA10950272 = ‘4340 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $35.00M
var infowindowA10950272 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA10950272,
var markerA10950272 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA10950272,
map: map,
title:”4340 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$35.00M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA10950272, ‘click’, function() {,markerA10950272);
var infoStringA11501712 = ‘4606 Prairie Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $5.50M
var infowindowA11501712 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11501712,
var markerA11501712 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11501712,
map: map,
title:”4606 PRAIRIE AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$5.50M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11501712, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11501712);
var infoStringA11503587 = ‘4504 Sheridan Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $5.90M
var infowindowA11503587 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11503587,
var markerA11503587 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11503587,
map: map,
title:”4504 SHERIDAN AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$5.90M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11503587, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11503587);
var infoStringA11495552 = ‘117 1st San Marino Ter Miami Beach 33139
Price: $2.88M
var infowindowA11495552 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11495552,
var markerA11495552 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11495552,
map: map,
title:”117 1ST SAN MARINO TER MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$2.88M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11495552, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11495552);
var infoStringA11502652 = ‘1545 Pennsylvania Ave Miami Beach 33139
Price: $4.90M
var infowindowA11502652 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11502652,
var markerA11502652 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11502652,
map: map,
labelContent: “$4.90M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11502652, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11502652);
var infoStringA11503232 = ‘1311 Stillwater Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $16.70M
var infowindowA11503232 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11503232,
var markerA11503232 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11503232,
map: map,
title:”1311 STILLWATER DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$16.70M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11503232, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11503232);
var infoStringA11503268 = ‘1031 48th St Miami Beach 33140
Price: $10.95M
var infowindowA11503268 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11503268,
var markerA11503268 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11503268,
map: map,
title:”1031 48TH ST MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$10.95M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11503268, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11503268);
var infoStringA11502969 = ‘920 47th St Miami Beach 33140
Price: $1.90M
var infowindowA11502969 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11502969,
var markerA11502969 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11502969,
map: map,
title:”920 47TH ST MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$1.90M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11502969, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11502969);
var infoStringA11490745 = ‘5860 La Gorce Dr Miami Beach 33140
Price: $3.85M
var infowindowA11490745 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11490745,
var markerA11490745 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11490745,
map: map,
title:”5860 LA GORCE DR MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$3.85M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11490745, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11490745);
var infoStringA11502320 = ‘2802 Prairie Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $6.50M
var infowindowA11502320 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11502320,
var markerA11502320 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11502320,
map: map,
title:”2802 PRAIRIE AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$6.50M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11502320, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11502320);
var infoStringA11502462 = ‘1480 Stillwater Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $4.20M
var infowindowA11502462 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11502462,
var markerA11502462 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11502462,
map: map,
title:”1480 STILLWATER DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$4.20M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11502462, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11502462);
var infoStringA11498412 = ‘729 Espanola Way Miami Beach 33139
Price: $3.00M
var infowindowA11498412 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11498412,
var markerA11498412 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11498412,
map: map,
title:”729 ESPANOLA WAY MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$3.00M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11498412, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11498412);
var infoStringA11499292 = ‘1335 Marseille Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $2.48M
var infowindowA11499292 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11499292,
var markerA11499292 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11499292,
map: map,
title:”1335 MARSEILLE DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$2.48M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11499292, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11499292);
var infoStringA11500789 = ‘4212 Sheridan Avenue Miami Beach 33140
Price: $8.80M
var infowindowA11500789 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11500789,
var markerA11500789 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11500789,
map: map,
labelContent: “$8.80M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11500789, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11500789);
var infoStringA11500143 = ‘3136 Prairie Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $9.70M
var infowindowA11500143 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11500143,
var markerA11500143 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11500143,
map: map,
title:”3136 PRAIRIE AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$9.70M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11500143, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11500143);
var infoStringA11498980 = ‘4484 Royal Palm Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $2.80M
var infowindowA11498980 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11498980,
var markerA11498980 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11498980,
map: map,
title:”4484 ROYAL PALM AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$2.80M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11498980, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11498980);
var infoStringA11424412 = ‘1556 71st St Miami Beach 33141
Price: $2.59M
var infowindowA11424412 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11424412,
var markerA11424412 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11424412,
map: map,
title:”1556 71ST ST MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$2.59M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11424412, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11424412);
var infoStringA11498463 = ‘5208 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $2.50M
var infowindowA11498463 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11498463,
var markerA11498463 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11498463,
map: map,
title:”5208 ALTON RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$2.50M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11498463, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11498463);
var infoStringA11497644 = ‘4321 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $4.00M
var infowindowA11497644 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11497644,
var markerA11497644 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11497644,
map: map,
title:”4321 ALTON RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$4.00M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11497644, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11497644);
var infoStringA11497961 = ‘1411 Normandy Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $1.25M
var infowindowA11497961 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11497961,
var markerA11497961 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11497961,
map: map,
title:”1411 NORMANDY DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$1.25M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11497961, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11497961);
var infoStringA11493171 = ‘1545 Meridian Ave Miami Beach 33139
Price: $4.00M
var infowindowA11493171 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11493171,
var markerA11493171 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11493171,
map: map,
title:”1545 MERIDIAN AVE MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$4.00M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11493171, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11493171);
var infoStringA11496872 = ‘2770 Sunset Dr Miami Beach 33140
Price: $22.90M
var infowindowA11496872 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11496872,
var markerA11496872 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11496872,
map: map,
title:”2770 SUNSET DR MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$22.90M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11496872, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11496872);
var infoStringA11496576 = ‘6440 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33141
Price: $45.00M
var infowindowA11496576 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11496576,
var markerA11496576 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11496576,
map: map,
title:”6440 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$45.00M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11496576, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11496576);
var infoStringA11497420 = ‘255 Rivo Alto Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $4.25M
var infowindowA11497420 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11497420,
var markerA11497420 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11497420,
map: map,
title:”255 RIVO ALTO DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$4.25M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11497420, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11497420);
var infoStringA11495685 = ‘855 Stillwater Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $3.68M
var infowindowA11495685 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11495685,
var markerA11495685 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11495685,
map: map,
title:”855 STILLWATER DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$3.68M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11495685, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11495685);
var infoStringA11487601 = ‘238 San Marino Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $5.95M
var infowindowA11487601 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11487601,
var markerA11487601 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11487601,
map: map,
title:”238 SAN MARINO DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$5.95M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11487601, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11487601);
var infoStringA11494949 = ‘4430 Royal Palm Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $2.29M
var infowindowA11494949 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11494949,
var markerA11494949 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11494949,
map: map,
title:”4430 ROYAL PALM AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$2.29M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11494949, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11494949);
var infoStringA11493289 = ‘3748+3758 Prairie Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $10.90M
var infowindowA11493289 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11493289,
var markerA11493289 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11493289,
map: map,
title:”3748+3758 PRAIRIE AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$10.90M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11493289, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11493289);
var infoStringA11496408 = ‘107 Rivo Alto Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $4.25M
var infowindowA11496408 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11496408,
var markerA11496408 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11496408,
map: map,
title:”107 RIVO ALTO DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$4.25M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11496408, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11496408);
var infoStringA11494878 = ‘5300 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $23.00M
var infowindowA11494878 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11494878,
var markerA11494878 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11494878,
map: map,
title:”5300 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$23.00M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11494878, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11494878);
var infoStringA11495926 = ‘3734 Chase Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $15.50M
var infowindowA11495926 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11495926,
var markerA11495926 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11495926,
map: map,
title:”3734 CHASE AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$15.50M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11495926, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11495926);
var infoStringA11495181 = ‘1729 Jefferson Ave Miami Beach 33139
Price: $2.35M
var infowindowA11495181 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11495181,
var markerA11495181 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11495181,
map: map,
title:”1729 JEFFERSON AVE MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$2.35M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11495181, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11495181);
var infoStringA11493838 = ‘130 Rivo Alto Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $25.00M
var infowindowA11493838 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11493838,
var markerA11493838 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11493838,
map: map,
title:”130 RIVO ALTO DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$25.00M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11493838, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11493838);
var infoStringA11495717 = ‘8055 Noremac Ave Miami Beach 33141
Price: $6.30M
var infowindowA11495717 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11495717,
var markerA11495717 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11495717,
map: map,
title:”8055 NOREMAC AVE MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$6.30M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11495717, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11495717);
var infoStringA11494470 = ‘291 Palm Ave Miami Beach 33139
Price: $5.60M
var infowindowA11494470 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11494470,
var markerA11494470 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11494470,
map: map,
title:”291 PALM AVE MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$5.60M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11494470, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11494470);
var infoStringA11453824 = ‘905 Fairway Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $1.45M
var infowindowA11453824 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11453824,
var markerA11453824 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11453824,
map: map,
title:”905 FAIRWAY DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$1.45M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11453824, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11453824);
var infoStringA11495450 = ‘5288 Alton Rd Unit 2 Miami Beach 33140
Price: $909K
var infowindowA11495450 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11495450,
var markerA11495450 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11495450,
map: map,
title:”5288 ALTON RD UNIT 2 MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$909K”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11495450, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11495450);
var infoStringA11495400 = ‘5288 Alton Rd Unit 1 Miami Beach 33140
Price: $972K
var infowindowA11495400 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11495400,
var markerA11495400 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11495400,
map: map,
title:”5288 ALTON RD UNIT 1 MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$972K”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11495400, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11495400);
var infoStringA11495035 = ‘1725 Biarritz Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $1.20M
var infowindowA11495035 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11495035,
var markerA11495035 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11495035,
map: map,
title:”1725 BIARRITZ DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$1.20M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11495035, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11495035);
var infoStringA11494263 = ‘4331 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $2.48M
var infowindowA11494263 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11494263,
var markerA11494263 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11494263,
map: map,
title:”4331 ALTON RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$2.48M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11494263, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11494263);
var infoStringA11492934 = ‘5371 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $2.89M
var infowindowA11492934 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11492934,
var markerA11492934 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11492934,
map: map,
title:”5371 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$2.89M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11492934, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11492934);
var infoStringA11474943 = ‘1500 23rd St Miami Beach 33140
Price: $33.00M
var infowindowA11474943 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11474943,
var markerA11474943 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11474943,
map: map,
title:”1500 23RD ST MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$33.00M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11474943, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11474943);
var infoStringA11484534 = ‘3747 Prairie Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $6.85M
var infowindowA11484534 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11484534,
var markerA11484534 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11484534,
map: map,
title:”3747 PRAIRIE AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$6.85M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11484534, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11484534);
var infoStringA11490425 = ‘4430 Nautilus Dr Miami Beach 33140
Price: $7.95M
var infowindowA11490425 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11490425,
var markerA11490425 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11490425,
map: map,
title:”4430 NAUTILUS DR MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$7.95M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11490425, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11490425);
var infoStringA11490398 = ‘4354 Michigan Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $7.50M
var infowindowA11490398 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11490398,
var markerA11490398 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11490398,
map: map,
title:”4354 MICHIGAN AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$7.50M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11490398, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11490398);
var infoStringA11492842 = ‘6000-6010 Pine Tree Dr Miami Beach 33140
Price: $8.70M
var infowindowA11492842 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11492842,
var markerA11492842 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11492842,
map: map,
title:”6000-6010 PINE TREE DR MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$8.70M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11492842, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11492842);
var infoStringA11491973 = ‘6010 Pine Tree Dr Miami Beach 33140
Price: $3.20M
var infowindowA11491973 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11491973,
var markerA11491973 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11491973,
map: map,
title:”6010 PINE TREE DR MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$3.20M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11491973, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11491973);
var infoStringA11491962 = ‘6000 Pine Tree Dr Miami Beach 33140
Price: $5.50M
var infowindowA11491962 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11491962,
var markerA11491962 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11491962,
map: map,
title:”6000 PINE TREE DR MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$5.50M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11491962, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11491962);
var infoStringA11493139 = ‘205 Hibiscus Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $16.50M
var infowindowA11493139 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11493139,
var markerA11493139 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11493139,
map: map,
title:”205 HIBISCUS DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$16.50M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11493139, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11493139);
var infoStringA11490928 = ‘2485 Meridian Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $9.80M
var infowindowA11490928 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11490928,
var markerA11490928 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11490928,
map: map,
title:”2485 MERIDIAN AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$9.80M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11490928, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11490928);
var infoStringA11485475 = ‘1520 Stillwater Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $4.18M
var infowindowA11485475 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11485475,
var markerA11485475 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11485475,
map: map,
title:”1520 STILLWATER DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$4.18M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11485475, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11485475);
var infoStringA11491471 = ‘1720 Cleveland Rd Miami Beach 33141
Price: $3.00M
var infowindowA11491471 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11491471,
var markerA11491471 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11491471,
map: map,
title:”1720 CLEVELAND RD MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$3.00M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11491471, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11491471);
var infoStringA11491432 = ‘115 1st Rivo Alto Ter Miami Beach 33139
Price: $5.47M
var infowindowA11491432 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11491432,
var markerA11491432 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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map: map,
title:”115 1ST RIVO ALTO TER MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$5.47M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11491432, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11491432);
var infoStringA11491549 = ‘45 Star Island Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $37.50M
var infowindowA11491549 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11491549,
var markerA11491549 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11491549,
map: map,
title:”45 STAR ISLAND DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$37.50M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11491549, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11491549);
var infoStringA11466502 = ‘190 Palm Ave Miami Beach 33139
Price: $150.00M
var infowindowA11466502 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11466502,
var markerA11466502 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11466502,
map: map,
title:”190 PALM AVE MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$150.00M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11466502, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11466502);
var infoStringA11481886 = ‘8071 Noremac Ave Miami Beach 33141
Price: $4.80M
var infowindowA11481886 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11481886,
var markerA11481886 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11481886,
map: map,
title:”8071 NOREMAC AVE MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$4.80M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11481886, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11481886);
var infoStringA11476859 = ‘40 Palm Ave Miami Beach 33139
Price: $48.50M
var infowindowA11476859 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11476859,
var markerA11476859 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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map: map,
title:”40 PALM AVE MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$48.50M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11476859, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11476859);
var infoStringA11424305 = ‘7590 Bayside Ln Miami Beach 33141
Price: $4.80M
var infowindowA11424305 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11424305,
var markerA11424305 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11424305,
map: map,
title:”7590 BAYSIDE LN MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$4.80M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11424305, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11424305);
var infoStringA11490097 = ‘888 47th St Miami Beach 33140
Price: $3.20M
var infowindowA11490097 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11490097,
var markerA11490097 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”888 47TH ST MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$3.20M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11490097, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11490097);
var infoStringA11489325 = ‘5838 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $1.70M
var infowindowA11489325 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11489325,
var markerA11489325 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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map: map,
title:”5838 ALTON RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$1.70M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11489325, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11489325);
var infoStringA11475702 = ‘427 43rd St Miami Beach 33140
Price: $1.90M
var infowindowA11475702 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11475702,
var markerA11475702 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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map: map,
title:”427 43RD ST MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$1.90M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11475702, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11475702);
var infoStringA11487795 = ‘820 47th Ct Miami Beach 33140
Price: $7.70M
var infowindowA11487795 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11487795,
var markerA11487795 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”820 47TH CT MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$7.70M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11487795, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11487795);
var infoStringA11489096 = ‘1786 71st St Miami Beach 33141
Price: $950K
var infowindowA11489096 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11489096,
var markerA11489096 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”1786 71ST ST MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$950K”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11489096, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11489096);
var infoStringA11488874 = ‘5101 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $4.50M
var infowindowA11488874 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11488874,
var markerA11488874 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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map: map,
title:”5101 ALTON RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$4.50M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11488874, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11488874);
var infoStringA11307492 = ‘4736 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $80.00M
var infowindowA11307492 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11307492,
var markerA11307492 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11307492,
map: map,
title:”4736 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$80.00M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11307492, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11307492);
var infoStringA11481695 = ‘3755 Royal Palm Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $2.60M
var infowindowA11481695 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11481695,
var markerA11481695 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11481695,
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title:”3755 ROYAL PALM AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$2.60M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11481695, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11481695);
var infoStringA11487133 = ‘1565 Cleveland Rd Miami Beach 33141
Price: $8.65M
var infowindowA11487133 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11487133,
var markerA11487133 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11487133,
map: map,
title:”1565 CLEVELAND RD MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$8.65M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11487133, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11487133);
var infoStringA11468875 = ‘345 Fairway Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $2.00M
var infowindowA11468875 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11468875,
var markerA11468875 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”345 FAIRWAY DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$2.00M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11468875, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11468875);
var infoStringA11485837 = ‘2385 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $3.00M
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content: infoStringA11485837,
var markerA11485837 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11485837,
map: map,
title:”2385 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$3.00M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11485837, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11485837);
var infoStringA11479902 = ‘3103 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $4.00M
var infowindowA11479902 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11479902,
var markerA11479902 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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map: map,
title:”3103 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$4.00M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11479902, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11479902);
var infoStringA11479800 = ‘6300 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33141
Price: $19.50M
var infowindowA11479800 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11479800,
var markerA11479800 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”6300 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$19.50M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11479800, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11479800);
var infoStringA11485640 = ‘6350 Pine Tree Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $4.99M
var infowindowA11485640 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11485640,
var markerA11485640 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11485640,
map: map,
title:”6350 PINE TREE DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$4.99M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11485640, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11485640);
var infoStringA11485551 = ‘4219 Sheridan Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $1.80M
var infowindowA11485551 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11485551,
var markerA11485551 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11485551,
map: map,
title:”4219 SHERIDAN AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$1.80M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11485551, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11485551);
var infoStringA11484305 = ‘8033 Noremac Ave Miami Beach 33141
Price: $4.88M
var infowindowA11484305 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11484305,
var markerA11484305 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11484305,
map: map,
title:”8033 NOREMAC AVE MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$4.88M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11484305, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11484305);
var infoStringA11483798 = ‘120 Venetian Way Miami Beach 33139
Price: $3.49M
var infowindowA11483798 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11483798,
var markerA11483798 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11483798,
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title:”120 VENETIAN WAY MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$3.49M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11483798, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11483798);
var infoStringA11483439 = ‘775 81st St Miami Beach 33141
Price: $1.08M
var infowindowA11483439 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11483439,
var markerA11483439 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11483439,
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title:”775 81ST ST MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$1.08M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11483439, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11483439);
var infoStringA11482586 = ‘1443 Lenox Ave Miami Beach 33139
Price: $2.48M
var infowindowA11482586 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11482586,
var markerA11482586 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11482586,
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title:”1443 LENOX AVE MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$2.48M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11482586, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11482586);
var infoStringA11180281 = ‘3110 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $24.90M
var infowindowA11180281 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11180281,
var markerA11180281 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11180281,
map: map,
title:”3110 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$24.90M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11180281, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11180281);
var infoStringA11481069 = ‘240 Rivo Alto Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $20.95M
var infowindowA11481069 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11481069,
var markerA11481069 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11481069,
map: map,
title:”240 RIVO ALTO DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$20.95M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11481069, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11481069);
var infoStringA11480621 = ‘345 Hibiscus Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $16.40M
var infowindowA11480621 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11480621,
var markerA11480621 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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map: map,
title:”345 HIBISCUS DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11480621, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11480621);
var infoStringA11479966 = ‘2112 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $2.30M
var infowindowA11479966 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11479966,
var markerA11479966 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11479966,
map: map,
title:”2112 ALTON RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$2.30M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11479966, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11479966);
var infoStringA11470986 = ‘5529 Pine Tree Dr Miami Beach 33140
Price: $11.45M
var infowindowA11470986 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11470986,
var markerA11470986 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11470986,
map: map,
title:”5529 PINE TREE DR MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$11.45M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11470986, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11470986);
var infoStringA11478906 = ‘320 Hibiscus Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $37.50M
var infowindowA11478906 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11478906,
var markerA11478906 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11478906,
map: map,
title:”320 HIBISCUS DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$37.50M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11478906, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11478906);
var infoStringA11479246 = ‘2000 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $19.99M
var infowindowA11479246 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11479246,
var markerA11479246 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11479246,
map: map,
title:”2000 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$19.99M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11479246, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11479246);
var infoStringA11471273 = ‘4152 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $3.90M
var infowindowA11471273 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11471273,
var markerA11471273 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11471273,
map: map,
title:”4152 ALTON RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$3.90M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11471273, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11471273);
var infoStringA11301620 = ‘1365 View Dr Miami Beach 33140
Price: $27.90M
var infowindowA11301620 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11301620,
var markerA11301620 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11301620,
map: map,
title:”1365 VIEW DR MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$27.90M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11301620, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11301620);
var infoStringA11478516 = ‘1915 Normandy Drive Miami Beach 33141
Price: $1.25M
var infowindowA11478516 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11478516,
var markerA11478516 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11478516,
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title:”1915 NORMANDY DRIVE MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$1.25M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11478516, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11478516);
var infoStringA11476622 = ‘1825 Daytonia Rd Miami Beach 33141
Price: $4.90M
var infowindowA11476622 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11476622,
var markerA11476622 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11476622,
map: map,
title:”1825 DAYTONIA RD MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$4.90M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11476622, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11476622);
var infoStringA11478291 = ‘939 47th Ct Miami Beach 33140
Price: $4.10M
var infowindowA11478291 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11478291,
var markerA11478291 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11478291,
map: map,
title:”939 47TH CT MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$4.10M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11478291, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11478291);
var infoStringA11343679 = ‘3180 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $6.00M
var infowindowA11343679 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11343679,
var markerA11343679 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11343679,
map: map,
title:”3180 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$6.00M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11343679, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11343679);
var infoStringA11477682 = ‘214 San Marino Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $19.80M
var infowindowA11477682 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11477682,
var markerA11477682 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11477682,
map: map,
title:”214 SAN MARINO DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$19.80M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11477682, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11477682);
var infoStringA11477458 = ‘100 San Marino Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $22.90M
var infowindowA11477458 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11477458,
var markerA11477458 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11477458,
map: map,
title:”100 SAN MARINO DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$22.90M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11477458, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11477458);
var infoStringA11455791 = ‘2225 Meridian Ave Miami Beach 33139
Price: $5.25M
var infowindowA11455791 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11455791,
var markerA11455791 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11455791,
map: map,
title:”2225 MERIDIAN AVE MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$5.25M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11455791, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11455791);
var infoStringA11472113 = ‘5050 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $44.00M
var infowindowA11472113 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11472113,
var markerA11472113 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11472113,
map: map,
title:”5050 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$44.00M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11472113, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11472113);
var infoStringA11475012 = ‘1397 Normandy Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $1.19M
var infowindowA11475012 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11475012,
var markerA11475012 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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map: map,
title:”1397 NORMANDY DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$1.19M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11475012, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11475012);
var infoStringA11474503 = ‘6020, 6030, 6050 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $65.00M
var infowindowA11474503 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11474503,
var markerA11474503 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”6020, 6030, 6050 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$65.00M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11474503, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11474503);
var infoStringA11471784 = ‘1400 Cleveland Rd Miami Beach 33141
Price: $3.50M
var infowindowA11471784 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11471784,
var markerA11471784 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11471784,
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title:”1400 CLEVELAND RD MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$3.50M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11471784, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11471784);
var infoStringA11473974 = ‘6420 Pinetree Drive Cir Miami Beach 33141
Price: $6.88M
var infowindowA11473974 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
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var markerA11473974 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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labelContent: “$6.88M”,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11472989 = ‘5718 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $47.50M
var infowindowA11472989 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11472989,
var markerA11472989 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”5718 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$47.50M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11472989, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11472989);
var infoStringA11473936 = ‘1885 Cleveland Rd Miami Beach 33141
Price: $10.50M
var infowindowA11473936 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11473936,
var markerA11473936 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”1885 CLEVELAND RD MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$10.50M”,
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icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11473936, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11473936);
var infoStringA11473476 = ‘409 San Marino Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $18.20M
var infowindowA11473476 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11473476,
var markerA11473476 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”409 SAN MARINO DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$18.20M”,
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icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11473476, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11473476);
var infoStringA11469218 = ‘2440 Shore Ter Miami Beach 33141
Price: $8.50M
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content: infoStringA11469218,
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position: listingA11469218,
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title:”2440 SHORE TER MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$8.50M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11469218, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11469218);
var infoStringA11471738 = ‘1575 Stillwater Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $13.00M
var infowindowA11471738 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11471738,
var markerA11471738 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”1575 STILLWATER DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11471738, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11471738);
var infoStringA11380920 = ‘2505 Sunset Dr Miami Beach 33140
Price: $9.50M
var infowindowA11380920 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11380920,
var markerA11380920 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”2505 SUNSET DR MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$9.50M”,
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icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11380920, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11380920);
var infoStringA11471062 = ‘6650 Pinetree Ln Miami Beach 33141
Price: $8.50M
var infowindowA11471062 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11471062,
var markerA11471062 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”6650 PINETREE LN MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$8.50M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11471062, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11471062);
var infoStringA11470191 = ‘1801 Cleveland Rd Miami Beach 33141
Price: $9.95M
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content: infoStringA11470191,
var markerA11470191 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”1801 CLEVELAND RD MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11460555 = ‘6045 La Gorce Dr Miami Beach 33140
Price: $4.30M
var infowindowA11460555 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11460555,
var markerA11460555 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”6045 LA GORCE DR MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$4.30M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11460555, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11460555);
var infoStringA11465146 = ‘420 Hibiscus Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $11.35M
var infowindowA11465146 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11465146,
var markerA11465146 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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map: map,
title:”420 HIBISCUS DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$11.35M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
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var infoStringA11469063 = ‘5725 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $4.95M
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content: infoStringA11469063,
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title:”5725 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$4.95M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11469063, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11469063);
var infoStringA11466958 = ‘277 Coconut Ln Miami Beach 33139
Price: $9.80M
var infowindowA11466958 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11466958,
var markerA11466958 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”277 COCONUT LN MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$9.80M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11466958, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11466958);
var infoStringA11465693 = ‘4160 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $2.25M
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content: infoStringA11465693,
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title:”4160 ALTON RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11464026 = ‘3093 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $2.95M
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content: infoStringA11464026,
var markerA11464026 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”3093 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$2.95M”,
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icon: “”
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Price: $3.89M
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content: infoStringA11462333,
var markerA11462333 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”410 SHORE DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$3.89M”,
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icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11462333, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11462333);
var infoStringA11462316 = ‘6001 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $3.60M
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content: infoStringA11462316,
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title:”6001 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$3.60M”,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11461893 = ‘3476 Prairie Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $3.00M
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content: infoStringA11461893,
var markerA11461893 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”3476 PRAIRIE AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$3.00M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
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var infoStringA11459018 = ‘5314 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $2.38M
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content: infoStringA11459018,
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title:”5314 ALTON RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$2.38M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11459018, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11459018);
var infoStringA11460870 = ‘241 28th St Miami Beach 33140
Price: $4.90M
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content: infoStringA11460870,
var markerA11460870 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”241 28TH ST MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$4.90M”,
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icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11460870, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11460870);
var infoStringA11461014 = ‘244 Coconut Ln Miami Beach 33139
Price: $8.90M
var infowindowA11461014 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11461014,
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title:”244 COCONUT LN MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$8.90M”,
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icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11461014, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11461014);
var infoStringA11460530 = ‘750 59th St Miami Beach 33140
Price: $3.40M
var infowindowA11460530 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11460530,
var markerA11460530 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”750 59TH ST MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$3.40M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11460530, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11460530);
var infoStringA11458746 = ‘6565 Allison Rd Miami Beach 33141
Price: $21.90M
var infowindowA11458746 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11458746,
var markerA11458746 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11458746,
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title:”6565 ALLISON RD MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$21.90M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11458746, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11458746);
var infoStringA11459282 = ‘433 Dilido Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $8.75M
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content: infoStringA11459282,
var markerA11459282 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11459282,
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title:”433 DILIDO DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$8.75M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11459282, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11459282);
var infoStringA11450741 = ‘327 Rivo Alto Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $30.60M
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content: infoStringA11450741,
var markerA11450741 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11450741,
map: map,
title:”327 RIVO ALTO DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$30.60M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11450741, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11450741);
var infoStringA11459331 = ‘4433 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $5.20M
var infowindowA11459331 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11459331,
var markerA11459331 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11459331,
map: map,
title:”4433 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$5.20M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11459331, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11459331);
var infoStringA11451501 = ‘508 Dilido Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $21.50M
var infowindowA11451501 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11451501,
var markerA11451501 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11451501,
map: map,
title:”508 DILIDO DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$21.50M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11451501, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11451501);
var infoStringA11457365 = ‘244 San Marino Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $13.95M
var infowindowA11457365 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11457365,
var markerA11457365 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11457365,
map: map,
title:”244 SAN MARINO DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$13.95M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11457365, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11457365);
var infoStringA11452212 = ‘247 Rivo Alto Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $18.50M
var infowindowA11452212 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11452212,
var markerA11452212 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11452212,
map: map,
title:”247 RIVO ALTO DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$18.50M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11452212, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11452212);
var infoStringA11457276 = ‘970 Shore Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $4.70M
var infowindowA11457276 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11457276,
var markerA11457276 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11457276,
map: map,
title:”970 SHORE DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$4.70M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11457276, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11457276);
var infoStringA11456595 = ‘217 Rivo Alto Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $38.50M
var infowindowA11456595 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11456595,
var markerA11456595 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”217 RIVO ALTO DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$38.50M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11456595, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11456595);
var infoStringA11456752 = ‘279 N Hibiscus Drive Miami Beach 33139
Price: $15.90M
var infowindowA11456752 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11456752,
var markerA11456752 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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labelContent: “$15.90M”,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11455467 = ‘511 Dilido Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $6.50M
var infowindowA11455467 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11455467,
var markerA11455467 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”511 DILIDO DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$6.50M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11455467, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11455467);
var infoStringA11324004 = ‘214 Rivo Alto Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $11.50M
var infowindowA11324004 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11324004,
var markerA11324004 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11324004,
map: map,
title:”214 RIVO ALTO DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$11.50M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11324004, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11324004);
var infoStringA11244790 = ‘7833 Atlantic Way Miami Beach 33141
Price: $26.50M
var infowindowA11244790 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11244790,
var markerA11244790 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11244790,
map: map,
title:”7833 ATLANTIC WAY MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$26.50M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11244790, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11244790);
var infoStringA11455984 = ‘1710 Jefferson Ave Miami Beach 33139
Price: $3.55M
var infowindowA11455984 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11455984,
var markerA11455984 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11455984,
map: map,
title:”1710 JEFFERSON AVE MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$3.55M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11455984, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11455984);
var infoStringA11449026 = ‘5226 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $15.90M
var infowindowA11449026 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11449026,
var markerA11449026 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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map: map,
title:”5226 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$15.90M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11449026, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11449026);
var infoStringA11453986 = ‘6350 Allison Rd Miami Beach 33141
Price: $14.95M
var infowindowA11453986 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11453986,
var markerA11453986 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11453986,
map: map,
title:”6350 ALLISON RD MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$14.95M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11453986, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11453986);
var infoStringA11387914 = ‘5327 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $8.75M
var infowindowA11387914 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11387914,
var markerA11387914 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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map: map,
title:”5327 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$8.75M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11387914, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11387914);
var infoStringA11453171 = ‘1510 Normandy Drive Miami Beach 33141
Price: $1.15M
var infowindowA11453171 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11453171,
var markerA11453171 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11453171,
map: map,
title:”1510 NORMANDY DRIVE MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$1.15M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11453171, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11453171);
var infoStringA11447333 = ‘2957 Flamingo Dr Miami Beach 33140
Price: $12.85M
var infowindowA11447333 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11447333,
var markerA11447333 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11447333,
map: map,
title:”2957 FLAMINGO DR MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$12.85M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11447333, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11447333);
var infoStringA11450780 = ‘2350 Prairie Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $2.70M
var infowindowA11450780 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11450780,
var markerA11450780 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11450780,
map: map,
title:”2350 PRAIRIE AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$2.70M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11450780, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11450780);
var infoStringA11440523 = ‘394 Hibiscus Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $17.00M
var infowindowA11440523 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11440523,
var markerA11440523 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11440523,
map: map,
title:”394 HIBISCUS DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$17.00M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11440523, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11440523);
var infoStringA11354246 = ‘807 86th St Miami Beach 33141
Price: $2.95M
var infowindowA11354246 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11354246,
var markerA11354246 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”807 86TH ST MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$2.95M”,
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icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11354246, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11354246);
var infoStringA11450061 = ‘6415 Allison Rd Miami Beach 33141
Price: $9.40M
var infowindowA11450061 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11450061,
var markerA11450061 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”6415 ALLISON RD MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$9.40M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11450061, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11450061);
var infoStringA11448452 = ‘1411 Biscayne Point Rd Miami Beach 33141
Price: $11.50M
var infowindowA11448452 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11448452,
var markerA11448452 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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labelContent: “$11.50M”,
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var infoStringA11447096 = ‘1065 Shore Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $9.25M
var infowindowA11447096 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11447096,
var markerA11447096 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”1065 SHORE DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$9.25M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11447096, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11447096);
var infoStringA11435565 = ‘5959 La Gorce Dr Miami Beach 33140
Price: $5.39M
var infowindowA11435565 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11435565,
var markerA11435565 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”5959 LA GORCE DR MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$5.39M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11435565, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11435565);
var infoStringA11447975 = ‘2211 Meridian Ave Miami Beach 33139
Price: $8.50M
var infowindowA11447975 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11447975,
var markerA11447975 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”2211 MERIDIAN AVE MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$8.50M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11447975, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11447975);
var infoStringA11448135 = ‘8225 Hawthorne Ave Miami Beach 33141
Price: $900K
var infowindowA11448135 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11448135,
var markerA11448135 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11448135,
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title:”8225 HAWTHORNE AVE MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$900K”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11448135, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11448135);
var infoStringA11444174 = ‘1560 Bay Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $4.40M
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content: infoStringA11444174,
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title:”1560 BAY DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$4.40M”,
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icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11444174, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11444174);
var infoStringA11447603 = ‘6525 Allison Rd Miami Beach 33141
Price: $9.50M
var infowindowA11447603 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11447603,
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title:”6525 ALLISON RD MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$9.50M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11447603, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11447603);
var infoStringA11445229 = ‘1800 Jefferson Ave Miami Beach 33139
Price: $4.99M
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content: infoStringA11445229,
var markerA11445229 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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map: map,
title:”1800 JEFFERSON AVE MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$4.99M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11445229, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11445229);
var infoStringA11363459 = ‘4350 Nautilus Dr Miami Beach 33140
Price: $3.95M
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content: infoStringA11363459,
var markerA11363459 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”4350 NAUTILUS DR MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$3.95M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
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var infoStringA11436470 = ‘4365 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $4.60M
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content: infoStringA11436470,
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title:”4365 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$4.60M”,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11444304 = ‘250 Hibiscus Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $13.95M
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content: infoStringA11444304,
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position: listingA11444304,
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title:”250 HIBISCUS DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11443866 = ‘4531 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $4.00M
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content: infoStringA11443866,
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title:”4531 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$4.00M”,
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icon: “”
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Price: $4.50M
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content: infoStringA11442566,
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title:”2211 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11440530 = ‘5828 Pine Tree Dr Miami Beach 33140
Price: $3.50M
var infowindowA11440530 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11440530,
var markerA11440530 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”5828 PINE TREE DR MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$3.50M”,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11439503 = ‘5141 Pine Tree Dr Miami Beach 33140
Price: $10.30M
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content: infoStringA11439503,
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title:”5141 PINE TREE DR MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11439503, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11439503);
var infoStringA11441722 = ‘4560 Post Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $2.95M
var infowindowA11441722 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11441722,
var markerA11441722 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”4560 POST AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$2.95M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11441722, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11441722);
var infoStringA11436931 = ‘5431 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $2.44M
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content: infoStringA11436931,
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title:”5431 ALTON RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11436931, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11436931);
var infoStringA11438875 = ‘1531 Stillwater Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $4.30M
var infowindowA11438875 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11438875,
var markerA11438875 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11438875,
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title:”1531 STILLWATER DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$4.30M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11438875, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11438875);
var infoStringA11436928 = ‘4161 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $2.70M
var infowindowA11436928 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11436928,
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map: map,
title:”4161 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$2.70M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11436928, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11436928);
var infoStringA11436984 = ‘30 Palm Ave Miami Beach 33139
Price: $43.00M
var infowindowA11436984 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11436984,
var markerA11436984 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11436984,
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title:”30 PALM AVE MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$43.00M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11436984, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11436984);
var infoStringA11427415 = ‘270 Shore Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $1.70M
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content: infoStringA11427415,
var markerA11427415 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11427415,
map: map,
title:”270 SHORE DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$1.70M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11427415, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11427415);
var infoStringA11430169 = ‘1005 Shore Ln Miami Beach 33141
Price: $1.99M
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content: infoStringA11430169,
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title:”1005 SHORE LN MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$1.99M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11430169, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11430169);
var infoStringA11428082 = ‘70 Hibiscus Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $13.90M
var infowindowA11428082 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11428082,
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title:”70 HIBISCUS DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11428082, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11428082);
var infoStringA11432950 = ‘1555 Daytonia Rd Miami Beach 33141
Price: $3.69M
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content: infoStringA11432950,
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map: map,
title:”1555 DAYTONIA RD MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$3.69M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
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var infoStringA11430440 = ‘1040 Shore Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $5.20M
var infowindowA11430440 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11430440,
var markerA11430440 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11430440,
map: map,
title:”1040 SHORE DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
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icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11430440, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11430440);
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Price: $4.39M
var infowindowA11429273 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11429273,
var markerA11429273 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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map: map,
title:”5236 PINE TREE DR MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$4.39M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11429273, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11429273);
var infoStringA11427822 = ‘1220 Biscayne Point Rd Miami Beach 33141
Price: $11.50M
var infowindowA11427822 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11427822,
var markerA11427822 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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labelContent: “$11.50M”,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11430453 = ‘265 Palm Ave Miami Beach 33139
Price: $3.50M
var infowindowA11430453 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11430453,
var markerA11430453 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11430453,
map: map,
title:”265 PALM AVE MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$3.50M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11430453, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11430453);
var infoStringA11426013 = ‘211 Coconut Ln Miami Beach 33139
Price: $8.30M
var infowindowA11426013 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11426013,
var markerA11426013 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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map: map,
title:”211 COCONUT LN MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$8.30M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11426013, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11426013);
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Price: $2.20M
var infowindowA11426346 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11426346,
var markerA11426346 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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map: map,
title:”4470 ALTON RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$2.20M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11426346, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11426346);
var infoStringA11423083 = ‘1730 Bay Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $9.65M
var infowindowA11423083 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11423083,
var markerA11423083 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”1730 BAY DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$9.65M”,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11410300 = ‘335 46th St Miami Beach 33140
Price: $4.18M
var infowindowA11410300 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11410300,
var markerA11410300 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”335 46TH ST MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$4.18M”,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11407747 = ‘316 Coconut Ln Miami Beach 33139
Price: $9.77M
var infowindowA11407747 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11407747,
var markerA11407747 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”316 COCONUT LN MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$9.77M”,
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icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11407747, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11407747);
var infoStringA11417758 = ‘672 Shore Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $7.90M
var infowindowA11417758 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11417758,
var markerA11417758 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11417758,
map: map,
title:”672 SHORE DR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$7.90M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11417758, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11417758);
var infoStringA11418100 = ‘4421 Post Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $3.00M
var infowindowA11418100 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11418100,
var markerA11418100 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11418100,
map: map,
title:”4421 POST AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$3.00M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11418100, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11418100);
var infoStringA11417498 = ‘4647 Pine Tree Dr Miami Beach 33140
Price: $29.90M
var infowindowA11417498 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11417498,
var markerA11417498 = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: listingA11417498,
map: map,
title:”4647 PINE TREE DR MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$29.90M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11417498, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11417498);
var infoStringA11411477 = ‘590 49th St Miami Beach 33140
Price: $2.45M
var infowindowA11411477 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11411477,
var markerA11411477 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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map: map,
title:”590 49TH ST MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$2.45M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11411477, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11411477);
var infoStringA11410925 = ‘5146 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $4.95M
var infowindowA11410925 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11410925,
var markerA11410925 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”5146 ALTON RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$4.95M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11410925, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11410925);
var infoStringA11411573 = ‘5715 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $5.95M
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content: infoStringA11411573,
var markerA11411573 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”5715 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$5.95M”,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(22, 0),
labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11411573, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11411573);
var infoStringA11410217 = ‘7975 Biscayne Point Cir Miami Beach 33141
Price: $4.50M
var infowindowA11410217 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: infoStringA11410217,
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Price: $2.25M
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content: infoStringA11406507,
var markerA11406507 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”1226 LENOX AVE MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$2.25M”,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11406507, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11406507);
var infoStringA11395049 = ‘4315 Meridian Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $6.85M
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title:”4315 MERIDIAN AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
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var infoStringA11386867 = ‘1750 71st St Miami Beach 33141
Price: $2.50M
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content: infoStringA11386867,
var markerA11386867 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”1750 71ST ST MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$2.50M”,
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icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11386867, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11386867);
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Price: $24.90M
var infowindowA11408508 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
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var markerA11408508 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”5785 PINE TREE DR MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$24.90M”,
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icon: “”
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Price: $12.00M
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title:”294 COCONUT LN MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$12.00M”,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11401249 = ‘56 Hibiscus Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $14.90M
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content: infoStringA11401249,
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title:”56 HIBISCUS DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11308643 = ‘2051 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $8.35M
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content: infoStringA11308643,
var markerA11308643 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”2051 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$8.35M”,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11399116 = ‘1081 48th St Miami Beach 33140
Price: $13.69M
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title:”1081 48TH ST MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
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Price: $4.75M
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title:”4485 POST AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$4.75M”,
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icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11396730, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11396730);
var infoStringA11220705 = ‘4810 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $28.00M
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title:”4810 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
labelContent: “$28.00M”,
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icon: “”
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Price: $13.90M
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title:”3166 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11389239 = ‘126 + 206 San Marino Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $54.00M
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title:”126 + 206 SAN MARINO DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
labelContent: “$54.00M”,
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Price: $21.00M
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content: infoStringA11354709,
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icon: “”
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Price: $14.90M
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title:”222 COCONUT LN MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
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Price: $14.35M
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title:”369 HIBISCUS DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11216778 = ‘1417 Venetian Way Miami Beach 33139
Price: $27.50M
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content: infoStringA11216778,
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title:”1417 VENETIAN WAY MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
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Price: $27.90M
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icon: “”
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Price: $2.10M
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content: infoStringA11391420,
var markerA11391420 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”969 34TH ST MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
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Price: $9.80M
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title:”2456 PRAIRIE AVE MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
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var infoStringA11054640 = ‘130 Palm Ave Miami Beach 33139
Price: $49.50M
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title:”130 PALM AVE MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
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icon: “”
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Price: $7.90M
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title:”5454 PINE TREE DR MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11388807 = ‘126 San Marino Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $41.10M
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content: infoStringA11388807,
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title:”126 SAN MARINO DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11196827 = ‘206 San Marino Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $12.90M
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title:”206 SAN MARINO DR MIAMI BEACH 33139″,
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var infoStringA11276666 = ‘5825 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $6.45M
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content: infoStringA11276666,
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title:”5825 ALTON RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11361477 = ‘6923 Valencia Dr Miami Beach 33109
Price: $16.00M
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content: infoStringA11361477,
var markerA11361477 = new MarkerWithLabel({
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title:”6923 VALENCIA DR MIAMI BEACH 33109″,
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icon: “”
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var infoStringA11310107 = ‘98 La Gorce Cir Miami Beach 33141
Price: $75.00M
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content: infoStringA11310107,
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title:”98 LA GORCE CIR MIAMI BEACH 33141″,
labelContent: “$75.00M”,
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icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11310107, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11310107);
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Price: $28.90M
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content: infoStringA11215592,
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title:”2740 BAY RD MIAMI BEACH 33140″,
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labelClass: “marker-labels-Active”,
icon: “”
google.maps.event.addListener(markerA11215592, ‘click’, function() {,markerA11215592);
var infoStringA11334531 = ‘4618 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $2.00M
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var infoStringA11079819 = ‘432 Hibiscus Dr Miami Beach 33139
Price: $28.00M
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var infoStringA11381045 = ‘6445 Allison Rd Miami Beach 33141
Price: $17.50M
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var infoStringA11166859 = ‘300 Shore Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $2.00M
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var infoStringA11348664 = ‘1728 Lenox Ave Miami Beach 33139
Price: $6.00M
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var infoStringA11361911 = ‘841 86th St Miami Beach 33141
Price: $3.45M
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var infoStringA11372945 = ‘1369 Biarritz Dr Miami Beach 33141
Price: $2.80M
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var infoStringA11334960 = ‘5840 Bay Rd Miami Beach 33140
Price: $29.52M
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var infoStringA11184594 = ‘535 51st St Miami Beach 33140
Price: $1.70M
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var infoStringA11393495 = ‘3190 Sheridan Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $2.38M
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var infoStringA11387476 = ‘1011 48th St – Ritz Carlton Residences Miami Beach 33140
Price: $13.75M
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var infoStringA10807502 = ‘4500 Prairie Ave Miami Beach 33140
Price: $13.50M
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var infoStringA11010745 = ‘1420 21st St Miami Beach 33140
Price: $13.98M
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Price: $4.85M
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Price: $29.90M
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Price: $2.50M
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Price: $4.50M
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Price: $7.60M
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Single Family Residence for Sale in Palm Island
List Price: $150,000,000
Presenting a once in a lifetime opportunity, this 3-home luxury compound graces the exclusive Palm Island in the heart of Miami Beach. Spanning over 2 acres and 300 ft of pristine water frontage. Each residence is crafted with the finest materials and an unwavering attention to detail. Featuring soaring ceilings, expansive living and dining spaces,…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Sub,north Bay Road
List Price: $80,000,000
LOCATED ON PRESTIGIOUS NORTH BAY ROAD, AMONG MIAMI BEACH’S MOST SIGNIFICANT ESTATES SITS A CUSTOM-BUILT MODERN MASTERPIECE WITH OPEN BAY & SUNSET VIEWS! A Unique Collaboration Between Choeff Levy Fischman, Antrobus Design Collective & Bart Reines Luxury Homebuilder, the Estate is Impeccably Conceived Down to the Finest Detail Yielding a Depth of Design that is…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Island-sub Of
List Price: $75,000,000
Extraordinary Villa Arte by Aquablue Group on exclusive La Gorce Island. Astounding water features, imposing entrance in bronze, book-matched travertine & Japanese white oak. Unrivaled interior with finishes in leather, marble & luxurious wall coverings handcrafted by Italian artisans. LEED Gold-Certified home with insulated impact glass, generator, expansive terraces, gym & spa, home…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $65,000,000
Embrace a rare opportunity on prestigious North Bay Road—a triple lot encompassing 63,376 SF with a total of 245 (+/-) feet of prime waterfront. This unique property combines 170′ at 6020-6030 North Bay Rd w/ an additional 75′ at 6050 North Bay Rd. Enjoy captivating open bay views from the beautifully livable 12,700 SF (+/-)…
Single Family Residence for Sale in San Marino Island
List Price: $54,000,888
Single Family Residence for Sale in Palm Island
List Price: $49,500,000
One of the finest custom-built homes on its way to completion adorned with intricate design in marble, wood and brass works. Kobi Karp architecture in collaboration with Argent Design working together to create this innovative, visually stunning Stately estate with finishes and details of the highest quality. Unique large open Club room with private rooftop…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Palm Island
List Price: $48,500,000
Discover this exquisite waterfront new construction masterpiece, designed by renowned Tropical Modern architect, Cesar Molina. The interior features are truly exceptional, with Mia Cucina cabinetry, Wolf + Subzero appliances, state-of-the-art home theatre, gym with steam & sauna. The primary bedroom has a private patio with pool, and an incredibly large closet incl. wet bar.…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf
List Price: $47,500,000
Extravagant modern mansion on prestigious North Bay Road where explosive sunsets over Miami’s splendid skyline are a backdrop from everywhere! Experience the finest waterfront living from this 15,547-SF property featuring 75 feet of premier waterfrontage with oversized dock & panoramic views! Inside the 7-bed 8.5-bath smart home, open floor-plan living areas have wall-to-wall glass doors…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $45,000,000
This waterfront estate on prestigious North Bay Road is a masterpiece of ultra-luxe tropical modernism. Designed by Choeff Levy Fischman, this extraordinary 13,662 sq ft home seamlessly integrates indoor/outdoor living w/ sliding glass walls, light filled atrium, bayfront breezes throughout, & expansive roof deck. This turnkey home w/ 100’ of waterfront featuring brand new kitchen…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $44,000,000
This sophisticated and elegant North Bay Road estate was recently reimagined by Dara Huang. Featuring breathtaking, unobstructed views of Downtown Miami and Biscayne Bay on an oversized 32,085 sq. ft. lot with 139 ft. of waterfrontage. This remarkable home is the perfect blend of modern luxury and classic elegance with sleek architectural details. The open…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Palm Island
List Price: $43,000,000
In a league of its own, this modern estate redefines luxury living on guard gated Palm Island. Nestled on an expansive 32,000 SF lot, enjoy 9 beds 8/1 baths perfectly set on 13,144 SF of total area. The chef’s kitchen is an epicurean delight w top of the line appliances, water views and walk in…
Single Family Residence for Sale in San Marino Island
List Price: $41,100,888
Single Family Residence for Sale in Rivo Alto Amd
List Price: $38,500,000
Welcome to Villa Paradis. This stunning Ramindesigns masterpiece is under 12 months from completion. Set on a 15,750 sq ft lot, this 7 BD/7.5 BA mansion skillfully combines organic elements w/ modern home technology, 90 feet of water frontage & open bay views. 12 ft ceilings, custom Boffi kitchen, ES automated windows, full home theater…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Hibiscus Island
List Price: $37,500,000
This 2-story, Ralph Choeff designed waterfront estate on guard-gated Hibiscus Island truly epitomizes luxury living in Miami Beach. Property boasts 7BR/7+1BA, sitting on a meticulously landscaped 15,750 SF lot, w/panoramic vistas of the iconic Miami skyline. Inside, the residence showcases impeccable interior design, soaring ceilings, & floor-to-ceiling telescoping glass doors that flood serene natural light…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Star Island
List Price: $37,500,000
Situated on Miami Beach’s most sought-after island, STAR ISLAND. This estate along the bay front provides about 180 feet of waterfront access, which no other lot on the island has. 7 bedrooms, 8 full baths, and 1 half bath & 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms in the guest house is a MIAMI BEACH GEM.…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Point
List Price: $36,000,000
Situated at 1470 Daytonia Rd, this property boasts a significant land area totaling 33,750 square feet. Within this estate lies over 14,000 square feet of livable space. Comprising seven bedrooms, two dens, and eight and a half bathrooms. Also, the property features an impressive 225 feet of linear water frontage, providing a picturesque view and…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Sub
List Price: $35,000,000
100 feet of waterfront on prestigious North Bay Rd. Breathtaking panoramic open bay views. This house has it all: 12′ ceilings, grand double stairs leading to intimate sitting area, double master suites, theater/library, den w/fireplace, billiard room, large patio & infinity pool. Chef’s kitchen has commercial Viking stove & double appliances. French doors lead off…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Sunset Islands-island No
List Price: $33,000,000
Villa Allegra, a masterpiece meticulously crafted by renowned architect Chad Oppenheim. Transcending style, this waterfront villa celebrates the perfection of proportion, scale, materiality, and detail. Nestled in a lush garden of native vegetation, conceived by Raymond Jungles, this home embodies the perfect blend of luxury and tranquility. From the grandeur of the living spaces to…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Rivo Alto Amd
List Price: $30,600,000
This Magnificent waterfront property on E Rivo Alto Dr. on the Venetian Islands, Miami Beach, offers 90 feet of pristine water frontage, providing breathtaking views & direct access to the beautiful waterways of Miami. The home is filled with natural light making it an amazing space for the Art Collector. Enjoy true indoor/outdoor living with…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $29,900,000
Build your dream mansion on Miami Beach’s most exclusive bayfront enclave, North Bay Rd, and enjoy spectacular water views and glorious sunsets over the Miami skyline and Biscayne Bay! This offering includes LAND with fully permitted plans by architect, Kobi Karp. The 27,334-SF lot – one of the best and largest waterfronts on North Bay…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Indian Beach Corp Amd Pl
List Price: $29,900,000
This multi-level 9BR/10+3BA waterfront property is located on exclusive Pine Tree Dr in Miami Beach boasting a 43,900 SF estate-sized lot w/100 ft of water frontage & enjoying one of the best views. House already has $6M of high-quality remodeling in the last 2 yrs. Rare opportunity to customize the existing 13,000+ SF home into…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $29,520,000
Rare opportunity to own a waterfront slice of paradise in Miami Beach. One of the last remaining parcels of land in the estate section of North Bay Rd, this 27,702 SF lot offers 150 FT of waterfrontage, open views of the Downtown Miami skyline and picture perfect sunsets. Surrounded by the beauty of Miami Beach and close…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S
List Price: $28,900,000
Most exclusive part of N Bay Rd, Sunset Lake, 14,500 sf home, on a 28,245 SF lot., an 8-beds 8.5baths w/ 90 ft of Bayfront. Included in the sale are permits and approved plans from world renowned architect. Prime location on Sunset Lake with gorgeous sunsets, close to Lincoln Rd & Sunset Harbour neighborhood. “Square-footage…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Hibiscus Island
List Price: $28,000,000
This one-of-a-kind Mediterranean estate is located on one of the most sought after plots on Hibiscus Island. The residence offers stunning panoramic views of ocean sunsets and the Miami skyline. The custom estate comes with everything expected from a luxury home such as superior construction, open spaces, top of the line finishes and spectacular views.…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Sub
List Price: $28,000,000
Located on prestigious North Bay Road this 2-story Mediterranean waterfront home sits on a private 20,100 SF point corner lot in a cul-de-sac with open Biscayne Bay and Miami skyline views plus 230’+ of sparkling water frontage wrapping around to protected waterfront with a private dock. Features 5BR/5BA, a gated security entrance, Chicago brick driveway,…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Indian Beach Corp Amd Pl
List Price: $27,900,000
Nestled on a sprawling 1.3-acre waterfront lot, this magnificent Miami Beach property offers endless possibilities. Featuring 6 spacious bedrooms. 7.5 bathrooms, 40 ft dock and 3 car garage, , this home boasts over 12,359 total square feet of living space. The home is situated on a vast 58,650 square foot lot with spectacular water views,…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Sunset Lake Ext
List Price: $27,900,000
Contemporary one-story estate, recently renovated to perfection, encompasses 6,096 SF of living space & sits on an expansive, private, gated 31,890 SF corner lot on coveted Sunset Island I. This truly magnificent home offers a grand entrance, stunning water views, an impressive 250 WF, a sprawling pool, beautiful lushly landscaped outdoors perfect for entertaining. An…
Single Family Residence for Sale in San Marco
List Price: $27,500,000
Striking newly completed 8,700 sqft (approx adjusted) modern contemporary waterfront mansion. The residence was designed by renowned architect Max STRANG featuring a combination of stone, wood and glass features creating a calming and welcoming environment. The home has 6 bedrooms, 6.5 bathrooms, a grand 1,500 sqft master suite with massive His and Hers closets, impressive…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Altos Del Mar No 1
List Price: $26,500,000
Stunning new modern construction estate in the esteemed gated Oceanfront community, Altos Del Mar. This 7 bedroom, 9.5 bathroom tri-level smart-home boasts unrivaled views of sunsets and the Atlantic Ocean. Luxury features include a private elevator, 2 custom kitchens with high-end appliances, polished Italian porcelain floors, a 300 bottle wine room, and an expansive rooftop…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Rivo Alto Amd
List Price: $25,000,000
Stunning Luxurious 5393 sq ft minimalistic masterpiece located on one of the most sought after islands on Miami Beach. This BRAND NEW home offers 6 bedrooms and 5 ½ bathrooms with Western views of Downtown Miami! Kitchen is equipped with the best European brands. The Master Suite occupies a full wing and has 2 separate…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Beach View Sub
List Price: $24,900,000
New Neo-Classic, one of a kind, 3 Story waterfront home. Fully Furnished, equipped, and adorned by Argent Design. Open Atrium entry with water features and glass. Stunning Circular glass 30 ft tall center piece staircase with curved hand rail. 15,000sf living area, 8 bdrm/6 full bthrm/2 Half. Large kitchen touch sensor cabinets. Wolf, Gaggenau and…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Sunset Lake Sub Amd Pl,sunset Lake
List Price: $24,900,000
Sitting on a 20,500 SF lot on North Bay Road this gated transitional style, 2-story waterfront estate has great water views and is undergoing a complete expert remodeling, using only the finest materials. The 6BR/6+1BA home offers 9,852 total SF, soaring ceilings, stone floors, open living & dining areas, bar, game room w/fireplace, wine chiller…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $23,000,000
Enjoy living in this exquisite waterfront estate on prestigious N Bay Rd. A picturesque courtyard greets you as you enter this captivating residence. Large stained-glass windows bring in an abundance of natural light with high ceilings and sparkling views of the bay. Exuding charm with its classic architectural elements, surrounded by the serenity of the…
Single Family Residence for Sale in San Marino Island
List Price: $22,900,000
Step Inside With Me! Experience Sunsets on San Marino in this chic designed Venetian Islands residence. A gallery-style foyer wrapped in white oak leads to all social areas with downtown skyline focal points. This modern abode exudes glamour & comfort throughout. Crafted white oak milled walls, doors, cabinetry and media shelf are complimented by ambient…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Sunset Islands-island No
List Price: $22,900,000
Nestled in the prestigious, guard-gated Sunset Islands I, this fully renovated 2-story waterfront home sits on a 14,000sf corner lot with 70ft of water frontage & no fixed bridges. Southwest exposure provides sun at the pool all day & beautiful sunset views overlooking downtown Miami. With over 5,000sf of living space, it boasts 6 beds,…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Indian Creek Sub
List Price: $21,900,000
This exclusive Allison Island masterpiece offers waterfront living at its finest. Located on an ample 16,200 SqFt , enjoy 4 oversize bedrooms and 4 baths plus a detached 2 bedroom guesthouse. Abundant natural light floods every corner of this magnificent home. Large windows and open spaces create an atmosphere of serenity and warmth. The…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Di Lido Island
List Price: $21,500,000
Embrace a modern, tropical lifestyle on the Venetian Islands in this elegant, solar-powered home designed by Max Strang featuring exquisite interiors by Studio ABM Design. Encapsulating over 10,500 sq ft with 60 ft of waterfront, this architectural gem seamlessly integrates indoor and outdoor spaces for the premier island living experience. Expertly weaving wood, stone, and…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Indian Beach Corp Amd Pl
List Price: $21,000,000
Welcome to Villa Crono; a Mediterranean masterpiece on prestigious Pine Tree Drive! Featured on the cover of Elle Decor Magazine, this glamorous waterfront Miami Beach estate boasts captivating style & classic elegance. Nestled behind electric gates on a huge rarely available 42,600SF lot w/ 100ft of deep wide water frontage, no fixed bridges, & views…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Rivo Alto Amd
List Price: $20,950,000
Welcome to the epitome of turnkey elegance a prestigious pre-construction gem set to redefine luxury living. This bespoke residence will offer opulent interiors across over 5562square feet under A/C and Grossing over 6661square feet of meticulously designed space.With 5 sumptuous bedrooms and 4.5 spa-like bathrooms, the home is crafted for the pinnacle of comfort and…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Sunset Lake
List Price: $19,990,000
Experience the pinnacle of luxury living at this brand new, state-of-the-art waterfront property with 80-FT on the water & a 60-FT dock for your boating pleasure. This is the most upscale newly constructed property in Miami Beach. Step inside to discover a turn-key fully furnished home with ultra-high-end finishes & meticulous craftsmanship with an integration…
Single Family Residence for Sale in San Marino Island
List Price: $19,800,000
This charming 2-story Art Deco bayfront home sits on a 15,750 SF lot on the Venetian Islands & was designed by renowned architect L. Murray Dixon. An amazing opportunity to develop a beautiful new estate w/open Biscayne Bay & downtown sunset views or renovate the existing 4BR/5+1 BA home. Gated entry, original stone floors, open…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $19,500,000
Situated on a sprawling 25,215 square foot lot (12,500+ buildable), offering an elegant sense of arrival with captivating open bay and downtown Miami skyline vistas. This waterfront haven features 103 FT of waterfrontage with a private dock making it the ultimate boater’s paradise. Now is your chance to design and build your dream home on…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Rivo Alto Amd
List Price: $18,500,000
Experience the sheer bliss of thoughtful living in this contemporary masterpiece located on the Venetian Islands. Completed with masterful precision in 2021, this waterfront estate is a symphony of exquisite details, featuring a mesmerizing array of vibrant marbles, a spacious open-plan living area, a stylish cocktail bar, dramatic sculptural staircases, and a chef’s dream kitchen…
Single Family Residence for Sale in San Marino Island
List Price: $18,195,000
Richly detailed and filled with light, this stunning residence sits adjacent to the clear waters of Biscayne Bay on Miami Beach. Nestled on the Venetian Causeway right in between the City of Miami and South Beach, the location is, well… PERFECT. Get to downtown Miami or South Beach in just a few short minutes.
Featuring six…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Indian Creek Sub
List Price: $17,500,000
Located on guard-gated Allison Island, this Max Strang designed home was completed at the beginning of 2022. Interior design by Architectural Digest Top 100 designer, Thomas Jayne Studio. Sitting on a 16,200 SF lot, this 7,000 SF home boasts six bedrooms and nine bathrooms. The oversized primary suite, facing the Indian Creek waterway, has two…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Hibiscus Island
List Price: $17,000,000
Build your dream home on a rare waterfront south facing double lot on coveted Hibiscus Island. This 18,375 square foot lot boasts 101’ of waterfrontage with southern exposure on one of Miami Beach’s most prestigious and guard gated island neighborhoods. Perfectly positioned parcel captures breathtaking sunsets over Biscayne Bay and offers captivating panoramic views…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Point
List Price: $16,900,000
Brand new MODERN WATERFRONT VILLA with amazing open bay views featuring around 6,000 sf of living area including 6 beds, 6/1 baths. Magnificent Italian finishes throughout, large master bathroom and closet, gourmet kitchen, with chefs’ kitchen, high end appliances. Open living area, Elevator to rooftop with spectacular views. Swimming pool ,jacuzzi ,summer kitchen, manicured lawns.…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Beach-2nd Addn
List Price: $16,700,000
Welcome to this modern masterpiece located in the prestigious Stillwater Dr guard-gated community at Biscayne Point. Built in 2021, this home offers a sleek and contemporary design with meticulous attention to detail and high-end finishes throughout, this property sets a new standard for luxury living. The home features a brand new dock and seawall, providing…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Hibiscus Island
List Price: $16,500,000
Best opportunity on the market for a prime waterfront gated lot on the Estate section of Hibiscus Island in Miami Beach, stunning wide water views, 120′ of waterfrontage. Build two homes of 5,250+sf each or a single 10,500+sf state. Home is rented and generating income next to 21000 lot, to be used during the planning…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Hibiscus Island
List Price: $16,399,000
Premier WIDE BAYFRONT property, double sized Lot, with 120’ of linear waterfront on 24-hour guard gated Hibiscus Island – Northern exposure. Ready for re-development – one or two homes – NW exposure – captivating unobstructed open bay view of Venetian Isles and Miami skyline. Also included is the largest dock on the island (100…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Lindisfarne On Fisher Isl
List Price: $15,995,000
Indulge in resort-style living in this tropical paradise on Miami Beach’s exclusive Fisher Island! One of only 21 single-family homes on the island. This remarkable residence is peacefully tucked amid towering palms and lush tropical foliage. Through the columned entryway, discover an interior that exudes timeless elegance & sophistication. From the textured tones and detailed…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $15,900,000
Located on highly coveted North Bay Road, your dream waterfront estate awaits. Sold with fully approved permits, this comprehensive guide is an architectural masterpiece offering an unrivaled opportunity. Offering a seamless transition to the construction phase, the plans have been crafted paying meticulous attention to every detail by the owner & architect Thiago P. Menezes.…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Hibiscus Island
List Price: $15,900,000
Grand opportunity to live in a spacious waterfront home with a large dock on prestigious Hibiscus Island in Miami Beach. Enter into a grand, double-height living room with 17′ high ceilings and a 35′ high skylit atrium featuring stunning wide bay views out of oversized windows. Nested on an expansive 10,500 SF lot, this…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Mid Golf Sub 1st Addn
List Price: $15,500,000
With a grand foyer & museum-quality finishes, this 8 bed, 9 bath Villa is a work of art, both expansive yet with fine-tuned attention to detail at every turn. This waterfront Masterpiece combines Mediterranean & Modern architecture within a brand new contemporary home. Heated pool, jacuzzi, boat dock and pizza oven are just a few…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Indian Creek Sub
List Price: $14,950,000
Palm Beach Meets Miami Beach! This beautiful Contemporary waterfront home sits on a lushly manicured, 16,200 SF west facing lot on guard-gated Allison Island! Inside the newly renovated modern & bright interiors you’ll find large living spaces w/ dramatic double height ceilings, gourmet kitchen, family room, a 1,000 SF primary suite w/ attached office, massive…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Palm Island
List Price: $14,900,000
Single Family Residence for Sale in Hibiscus Island
List Price: $14,900,000
Casa Babette represents one the most exquisite homes in all of Hibiscus & Palm islands. Upon entering the estate you’re welcomed into a tropical oasis by renowned artist Stantley Matz. Parking for 10 + cars, southern exposure to the downtown skyline sporting breathtaking sunsets.Double height ceilings in the foyer, direct water views & unparalleled attention…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Hibiscus Island
List Price: $14,350,000
PRIME WATERFRONT ESTATE on the exclusive Hibiscus Island in Miami Beach with over 8,000 interior SF, 9 bedrooms and 11 bathrooms on a generous 15,750 SF lot with 90’ of open water frontage. Fabulous direct bay views showcasing the city skyline can be enjoyed from this secluded paradise on a much sought-after corner of Hibiscus…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Sunset Lake Extension,sunset Island
List Price: $13,975,000
Tropical two story paradise oasis, 6,296 sq. ft. open air of over 30ft vaulted ceiling living room with direct all glass water views to pool, BBQ area and private dock, no bridges-direct ocean access. 6 bedrooms + a seventh mezzanine loft with 8 baths, six ensuite, a cabana & guest bath with river rock walls.…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Hibiscus Island
List Price: $13,950,000
Welcome to your fully updated waterfront sanctuary in the heart of Miami Beach. This 4 bedroom , 4 bathroom single-family home, elegantly positioned on the Intracoastal Waterways and paired with an unparalleled panorama of the Miami’s famous downtown skyline. Every corner of this home has been impeccably updated and thoughtfully redesigned, showcasing a modern open-concept…
Single Family Residence for Sale in San Marino Island
List Price: $13,950,000
This Venetian Island waterfront home offers immaculate views of the Port of Miami, Brickell, Downtown, and Edgewater. Completely & fully renovated, this home now features 4 BD and 4 full BA with the entire master suite occupying the second floor. The master suite has been outfitted with an open concept master closet, elongated steam shower,…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S
List Price: $13,900,000
Step Inside With Me! Draped in bougainvillea, this modern waterfront on coveted lower North Bay Road is open to SELLER FINANCING. Comprised of 6 en-suite bedrooms and characterized by open living spaces, serene canal views are accentuated throughout. Silver travertine, Italian porcelain, and a white oak floating staircase provide warmth to the interiors. The sleek…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Hibiscus Island
List Price: $13,900,000
Exquisite oasis nestled in Miami Beach’s prestigious Hibiscus Island on an oversized lot. This home has an open-concept layout with 22FT ceilings, high-end finishes, wine cellar, & grand living area for relaxation & entertainment. A chef-inspired kitchen features Wolf & Miele appliances & custom cabinetry. The master suite comes with a spa-like en-suite bathroom, a…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Ritz Carlton Residences
List Price: $13,750,000
Indulge in waterfront luxury at the Ritz Carlton Residences in Miami Beach. One of only eight, this elegant two-story single-family villa, designed by Piero Lissoni, blends tropical modern living with the opulence of a luxury hotel. The contemporary design, neutral palette and walls of glass embrace the natural light and capture breathtaking views creating a…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S
List Price: $13,700,000
BRAND NEW LUXURY HOUSE sits on a 10,000 sqf lot and offers 5,248 sqf of living space. Features 6 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms. With a 100-foot seawall and a 62×12 dock. High-quality finishes, white limestone flooring on the ground floor and wood laminate flooring on the second floor. The kitchen, designed by Ornare, features Italian…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Ritz Carlton Residences
List Price: $13,690,000
Experience the ultimate waterfront luxury at the Ritz Carlton Residences in Miami Beach. This exclusive two-story villa, crafted by the renowned Piero Lissoni, seamlessly combines the allure of a luxury hotel with the charm of modern tropical living. Its contemporary design features Georgette Select Limestone floors, wood floors, Boffi cabinetry, Gaggenau appliances, Ipe hardwood decking,…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Addn
List Price: $13,500,000
Recognized as a rare jewel in Miami Beach, this two-story historic estate sits on a 24,064 SF double lot with 128 ft of waterfront. Featuring 7 Bed / 5.3 Bath, you will revel in an Italian inspired gourmet kitchen, spacious dining and living room spaces, fine quartz and resin conglomerates flooring throughout the ground floor,…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Beach-2nd Addn
List Price: $13,000,000
139 feet of wide bay view waterfront. Dock for large boat over 70 feet at this 5/3 house on cul de sac of a gated street a finger peninsula in Miami Beach. This home offers safety, privacy and breathtaking wide bay views of Biscayne Bay and Indian Creek Island. Bay patroled by Indian Creek marine…
Single Family Residence for Sale in San Marino Island
List Price: $12,900,000
PERFECT OPPORTUNITY TO BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME WITH DIRECT DOWNTOWN VIEWS ON SAN MARINO ISLAND IN THE HEART OF THE VENETIAN ISLANDS! Pristine Open Bay & Downtown Miami Skyline Views on 10,500 SF LOT with 60 FT of Waterfront on the Wide Bay. Walled & Gated Entry. Perfect Opportunity to Build Your Dream Home in…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Flamingo Terrace Sub
List Price: $12,850,000
Set on the quiet, tree-lined street of Flamingo Drive, this exquisite waterfront home offers the ultimate blend of timeless elegance & comfort. Recently renovated, this property has elevated craftsmanship & attention to detail throughout. The spacious, light-filled interior seamlessly integrates with the outdoor spaces, providing multiple areas to entertain for a family. The oversized primary…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Riviera 1st & 2nd Addn Am
List Price: $12,000,000
Welcome to your dream waterfront oasis! Presenting an exceptional opportunity to build your own luxurious paradise with this brand new, under-construction masterpiece, nestled in the highly sought-after neighborhood of Palm Island.
This contemporary gem is over 4,400 sqft with 5 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, offering ample space for comfortable living and entertaining.
Positioned perfectly to capture…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Point
List Price: $11,500,000
Remarkable turn-key waterfront residence located in the gated community of Biscayne Point. This exquisite 6 BD/6 BA home boasts 5,423 SF & breathtaking southwestern exposure. Upon entering you will find an open-concept layout, double-height ceilings & an abundance of natural light. The gourmet kitchen is equipped with Sub-Zero appliances, marble countertops, & an island perfect…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Point
List Price: $11,500,000
Sale price includes vacant land + approved plans + seller will complete construction of the home with finishes chosen by the buyer. Stunning tropical modern masterpiece with pristine open bay views. Featuring 75 feet of waterfront on a 11,250 sq. ft. lot, with 5,200+ sq. ft indoor space. Buy now to customize and fine-tune the…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Rivo Alto Amd
List Price: $11,500,000
Beautiful waterfront pool home in the heart of the Venetian Islands. New seawall and dock made of Brazilian Ipe. Bright and sunny with a desirable western view. This is a very private home with manicured landscaping, royal palm tress. Kitchen has high end appliances, gas stove, wood cabinets. Everything opens to a covered veranda. Very…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Beach View Sub
List Price: $11,450,000
Situated on picturesque Indian Creek with 77’+/- of direct water frontage, this impeccable Miami Beach residence sprawls 4,043 SF+/-, boasting 5 bedrooms, 4 full and 1 half bathrooms. The contemporary home is set on 0.36 acres+/- with gated entry for enhanced privacy.
Nestled on desirable Pine Tree Drive on the Intracoastal Waterway, this home’s prime Indian…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Hibiscus Island
List Price: $11,350,000
Nestled in the guarded-gated, Hibiscus Island, this modern masterpiece, designed by Ralph Choeff is the epitome of Miami Beach lifestyle. The grand glass foyer w soaring 20 ceiling creates a seamless connection between the indoors & outdoor beauty. Interior features include elevator, Apple Smart Home, motorized window treatments & recessed lighting.The chef’s kitchen is an…
Single Family Residence for Sale in 4701 North Meridian Condo,the Ritz-carlton Re.
List Price: $10,950,000
Experience the ultimate waterfront luxury Villa at the Ritz Carlton Residences in Miami Beach. One of eight, two-story villas, with private Boat Dock up to 40ft Yacht. Designed by the renowned Piero Lissoni, seamlessly combines service of luxury hotels and at the same time a private and independent sanctuary! Contemporary but warm design, features Georgette…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Mid Golf Sub 1st Addn
List Price: $10,900,000
Feast your eyes on this double lot featuring two homes in the heart of Miami Beach. This remarkable joint lot sale offers the perfect blend of luxury, space, and endless entertainment possibilities. 3748+ 3758 Prairie Ave is a combined 6,954 sqft of living space. Main home has 6 BD, 6.5 BA, an office, and a…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Flamingo Terrace Sub
List Price: $10,700,000
Build your dream Tropical-Modern 7 bedroom 8.5 bath 8,995 SF architectural marvel arrives to one of the quietest streets of Miami Beach, with 100′ water-frontage on Indian Creek. Perfectly located steps from the beach-bridge leading to the Faena District Beach and a wonderful Art Deco skyline view. A dramatic double height glass entry is surrounded…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Point
List Price: $10,500,000
225′ feet of waterfront in one of Miami’s best-kept secrets: Biscayne Point, a private and gated enclave offering some of the most breathtaking views in Miami-Dade County. This lot stands out as the finest waterfront property on the entire island, boasting stunning open bay views and direct views of Indian Creek. With minimal boat traffic,…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Beach View Sub
List Price: $10,300,000
Your dream estate situated on the prestigious Pine Tree Drive. The chance to renovate this Mediterranean-style masterpiece or craft a creation of your own awaits you. Situated on a 21,375 SF Lot in the heart of Miami Beach. Set against the backdrop of the Intracoastal on 70 FT of direct water-frontage with a pool. The…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Point
List Price: $9,950,000
Indulge in the pinnacle of tranquility and Miami Beach’s most breathtaking views! This two-story haven with 24′ ceilings overlooks the open bay and serene Indian Creek, offering minimal boat traffic, 75′ waterfront, and unparalleled sunsets. Immerse yourself in this immaculate property with 6 beds, 5 baths, a pool, jacuzzi, summer kitchen, bbq, and a spacious…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Mid Golf Sub
List Price: $9,800,000
Brand New Contemporary Villa with modern finishes throughout and cozy guest house in the backyard by the pool. This Togu Architectural Masterpiece Exhibits 11 to 16-foot Ground Floor Ceilings and Sleek Touches. Modern Layout Includes 6 Bedrooms, 6.5 Baths in 5,155 Adjusted Sq Ft of Living Space on a 10,400 Sq Ft Lot. Master Bedroom…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Riviera 1st & 2nd Addn Am
List Price: $9,800,000
This spectacular waterfront home has been totally renovated with a construction upgrade of a new entrance and third floor railings in 2019. All the bedrooms are in suites and facing the open bay. 5 bed 5 1/2 bath with rooftop terraces. 36 x 24 CARIBBEAN BLUE marble & wood floors throughout. Beautiful kitchen with top…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Mid Golf Sub
List Price: $9,800,000
Indulge in the finest luxurious lifestyle overlooking the Miami Beach Golf Course in this magnificent European Villa. Built in 2017, the 2 story main house is composed of 4 BD, 4 BA + powder plus detached guest house 1BD/1.5 BA + cabana bath. Greeted with 11 ft coffered ceilings, the living room is filled with…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Riviera 1st & 2nd Addn Am
List Price: $9,770,000
Discover this amazing opportunity to build your dream home or renovate the existing 2-story waterfront home on the coveted Western tip of Palm Island offering stunning unobstructed views of the Miami Skyline & Biscayne Bay. Sports travertine & original wood flooring, large family/entertainment room & open living area w/direct access to pool deck & water…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Mid Golf Sub 1st Addn
List Price: $9,700,000
New Construction Unique Opportunity on n the Prestigious Miami Beach Golf Club. Situated on a sizable lot of 0.22 acres on the prestigious and exclusive Miami Beach Golf Club. Boasting 5 spacious bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, plus a powder room, this home offers approximately 4,821 sq ft of living space with no expense spared. With…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Isle Of Normandy Miami Vi
List Price: $9,650,000
This 17,340 square foot double lot with its 102 feet of South facing waterfront has all the elements to transform into a dream home. Fits a yacht? Check. No bridges? Check. Unobstructed waterfront views? Check, check, check. Mediterranean vacations may not last forever, but waterfront living can! Follow the sun & uncover this unmatched, rare…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Indian Creek Sub
List Price: $9,500,000
This exceptional property on Allison Island in Miami Beach presents a unique opportunity to build your dream home in one of the city’s most exclusive gated communities. With breathtaking water views & stunning sunrises as your daily backdrop, this is a setting like no other. Included in this offering are fully permitted architectural plans by…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Sunset Islands-island No
List Price: $9,500,000
Enjoy a life of coastal elegance in this Sunset Island II home, fully renovated in 2022. Turnkey 4BR/4.5BA on a coveted corner lot across from a serene, palm tree-lined park. Soaring ceilings & views of the lush backyard with oversized sparkling pool greet you as you step inside. An abundance of natural light pours in…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Indian Creek Sub
List Price: $9,400,000
Enjoy ocean breezes from this waterfront estate on the exclusive guard-gated Allison Island. This 20,520 square foot lot offers serene water views and boasts 95 ft on the water. Renovate existing residence or build your dream home in this private oasis. Prime location in close proximity to all that Miami Beach has to offer including…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Normandy Golf Course
List Price: $9,250,000
One-of-a-kind WIDE OPEN BAY sanctuary in the exclusive gated community of Normandy Shores. Updated w/a palette of neutrals, this serene waterfront retreat boasts 4 bed/4 bath, bright open living area that merges w/ home’s natural surroundings. The chef’s kitchen features an oversized island, designed to inspire family and friends to gather. The white-wash wood floors…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Riviera 1st & 2nd Addn Am
List Price: $8,895,000
EXCEPTIONAL opportunity to build your dream waterfront home or renovate the existing residence in the coveted Palm Island. Sitting on an 8,400 SF lot with 60FT of water frontage, this south-facing home offers panoramic views of the Miami skyline and breathtaking sunsets. Enjoy quick and easy access to the open ocean and ultimate privacy in…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Orchard Sub No 4
List Price: $8,800,000
STRIKING NEW MODERN ESTATE DESIGNED BY RENOWNED ARCHITECT HUGO MIJARES! Modern Tropical Design with Soaring 25 FT Double Height Ceilings in Open Living Area with Bookmatched Italian Stone Feature Wall. Open Dining Area with 240 Bottle Wine Cellar. Impact Glass Telescopic Doors Provide Seamless Indoor/Outdoor Living Leading to Saltwater Pool + Cabana Bath. 5 Bedrooms…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Di Lido Island
List Price: $8,750,000
Charming waterfront Mediterranean villa on the coveted Venetian Islands offers the perfect opportunity to renovate or build your dream home in paradise. Enjoy 60 feet of waterfront and direct access to Biscayne Bay and the Ocean. This two-story home features wood-beam vaulted ceilings, an expansive primary suite, and a second story terrace with stunning sunrise…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $8,750,000
Experience contemporary luxury and North Bay Rd living in this exceptional masterpiece. Boasting 4,524 square feet of impeccably designed interiors, luxurious finishes & 10′ ceilings, this residence is perfect for upscale living & entertaining. The home features a seamless indoor-outdoor flow, w/ a spacious outdoor entertainment area including covered dining, a lounge, a summer kitchen,…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Beach View Addn
List Price: $8,700,000
Rare opportunity to own 2 houses next to each other, 6000 and 6010 Pine Tree Dr, which would offer a unique and hard to find large lot with over 16,000 square feet. The houses are connected through the yard. 6000 Pine Tree is one-of-a-kind incredible opportunity to own a spectacular 4B/4.5B 1936 art deco gem…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Point
List Price: $8,650,000
Approved plans from SDH Studio are in place to build a stunning two-story estate, offering breathtaking views of the open bay and captivating Miami sunsets. Boasting nearly 6,000 square feet of luxury and top-notch amenities, this residence comprises 5 large bedrooms, 7.5 bathrooms, an outdoor gazebo with a summer kitchen, a covered terrace, an elevator,…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Normandy Golf Course
List Price: $8,500,000
Beautiful waterfront estate with stunning westerly open bay views in gated Normandy Shore. This home is nestled on a peaceful cul-de-sac adjacent to Normandy Shores Golf Club, tennis, basketball courts, & parks. Featuring floor-to-ceiling hurricane impact glass windows, custom kitchen & closets by Mia Cucina, Miele & SubZero appliances, an expansive primary suite, and full-home…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Mid Golf Sub
List Price: $8,500,000
BRAND NEW TROPICAL MODERN VILLA ON PRESTIGIOUS MIAMI BEACH GOLF COURSE WITH GORGEOUS SUNSET VIEWS! Generous 10,400 SF LOT w/ 5 Bedrooms + 6 Baths encompassing 5,301 Adj Gross SF. Seamless Indoor/Outdoor Living Spaces + 11 FT High Ceilings Wrapped in Walls of Glass for Natural Light. Chef’s Eat-in Kitchen w/ Stainless Steel Appliances +…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Island
List Price: $8,500,000
This elegant two-story, 4,152 sq. ft. jewel on prestigious, guard gated La Gorce Island epitomizes Miami Beach’s luxurious charm. Exquisitely renovated in 2023, this home features brand new pool with spacious area for outdoor entertaining, premiere chef’s kitchen w/ slab marble countertops, Dacor & Miele appliances, built-in espresso maker, wine cooler, spiral staircase, lofted 2nd…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S
List Price: $8,350,000
This curated to perfection home allows to fabulous entertainment areas, travertine stone walls, state of the art kitchen, office, 3 suites upstairs including an oversized master bed/marble bath with private furnished terrace. Boutique size master closet by renown Ornare. Slide open the media room/nightclub outfitted with professional acoustics, DJ booth and elegant feel. Interior spaces…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Riviera 1st & 2nd Addn Am
List Price: $8,300,000
A modern and impressive bay front house in the prestigious Palm Island exclusive community gated and police patrolled. Available, vacant. Four bedrooms ovelooking the bay with ample decks and balconies, plus an office, studio or gym. It has a detached utility bedroom and storage space. Inside the gated driveway can be acomodated 4 cars…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Extension 2nd
List Price: $7,950,000
Expected delivery late Spring 2024. Brand-new construction w/ 6 bed, 7 baths, 4,576 interior SqFt and 1,580 SqFt of terraces and balconies. 4430 Nautilus Dr is an icon of tropical modern design. Along with open spaces, Italian cabinetry, and expansive covered patio, the residence features a pristine pool and open balcony, allowing owners and guests…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Normandy Golf Course
List Price: $7,900,000
Step Inside With Me! Presenting a modern waterfront custom home in Miami Beach’s guard-gated Normandy Isle. This 5,400+ SF smart home boasts 5 beds and 5.5 baths. Interior highlights include formal & informal lounges, open kitchen with Dornbracht fixtures, tray ceilings, oak millwork, marble flooring & a proper cinema room. The water-facing primary features an…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Beach View Sub
List Price: $7,900,000
Step into this vibrant & iconic Miami Beach estate which seamlessly combines old-world charm w/ modern design. Situated on a double lot, this 9BD & 8.5BA residence boasts a detached guest house, serene courtyard, custom pool w/ built-in chaise lounges, a captivating poolside terrace, an oversized pergola & a 4-car garage. Inside find interiors curated…
Single Family Residence for Sale in 4701 North Meridian Condo
List Price: $7,700,000
Welcome to single family living with all the luxury amenities of the Ritz Carlton Residences Miami Beach. This exquisite, two-story villa offers an unparalleled blend of sophistication. Boasting 3,792 SF of meticulously designed living space, the home features four bedrooms and four bathrooms with a host of custom upgrades. Crafted by the renowned Italian architect…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Lake View Sub
List Price: $7,599,000
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Extension 3rd
List Price: $7,499,000
Discover this 4,160 sq ft curated and sustainable home. Designed by Italian architects Gaia Sonzogni and Andrea Benedetti, it prioritizes comfort, privacy, and energy efficiency with a U-shaped layout. Architectural highlights include rationalist facades, coral rock cladding. The interior features 11 ft ceilings, Italian millwork, travertine, and European Oak floors. 4 bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms, spacious…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Beach View Addition
List Price: $6,875,000
Located on one of the most private and prestigious streets in Miami Beach. Renovated 5 bed/ 5.5 bath home on oversized 11,000 SF corner lot. 2 car garage and 2 separate driveways for parking. Single story renovated modern home, new roof, brand new AC, hurricane impact windows & doors, security and complete savant Av system…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Addn
List Price: $6,850,000
Enjoy living in this impeccably renovated waterfront oasis located in the heart of Miami Beach! This beautifully manicured 4bed/4.5 bath estate offers over 4,200 SF of exquisitely designed interior space, 65′ of water frontage, newly built seawall & dock, Nest system and surround sound. The gourmet eat-in kitchen boasts Viking gas stove & dual oven,…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Orchard Sub 2 & 3
List Price: $6,850,000
Beautifully designed and newly constructed home situated on a lushly landscape oversized lot. This gated home affords security and privacy. Step into a 2 story volume ceiling entry and living room. This home is ideal for entertaining with a dining room that seats 20 and covered outdoor patios. Gourmet eat in kitchen with top…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Mid Golf Sub 1st Addn
List Price: $6,500,000
This Contemporary Residence is situated on The Miami Beach Golf Course overlooking Hole 5. Featuring premium finishes and plenty natural wood throughout, this newly constructed home boasts 5 bedrooms, 5.5 bathrooms spanning over 5,000sf of living space. Each room features access to a covered balcony, offering scenic views from every angle. Oversized primary bedroom with…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Di Lido Island
List Price: $6,500,000
Welcome to this exceptional 4-bed, 4-bath, 3,800 sqft single-family home on an expansive 11,250 sqft corner lot, a rare find in Miami Beach’s Venetian Islands.
The house boasts a high-end, brand-new kitchen that bathes the space in natural light, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. For your security, there’s a comprehensive alarm system in place.
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $6,450,000
PRE CONSTRUCTION PRICE $6,450,000 – Prime Development Opportunity on the Prestigious La Gorce Country Club. A stunning private residence situated on a sizable lot of 0.16 acres. This impressive home features 6 spacious bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, plus a powder room, totaling approximately 3,559 sq ft A/C with no expense spared. The residence boasts top-of-the-line…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Point
List Price: $6,300,000
Built in 2018, this custom exquisite waterfront Villa is located in the prestigious 24 hour guard gated community Biscayne Pointe in Miami Beach. Open floor plan offers timeless luxurious living with interior features that embrace modern European style with Cumaru hardwood lined art walls and thoughtfully designed architecture for perfect acoustics in the entertainment areas.…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Palm View Sub,palm View
List Price: $6,000,000
Brand new construction. This is a magnificent opportunity in the Palm View enclave to own a luxe residence with a genuine Miami Beach lifestyle. Take part in designing the finishing touches that will make this your unique and special home. Ricardo de la Vega is an Australian architect renown for his refined aesthetic use of…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S
List Price: $5,999,000
Rare opportunity to own prime real estate on coveted North Bay Road for an incredible price. The lowest priced waterfront property in all of North Bay Rd. Offering 101 ft of water frontage with bay views, this 10,270 square foot lot is perfect for building your dream home. Surrounded by some of the most luxurious…
Single Family Residence for Sale in San Marino Island
List Price: $5,950,000
Enchanting, Art-Deco one story house Fully Furnished and remodeled on a spaceful lot of 10,800sq/ft SE Corner property in the prestige Venetian Islands in Miami Beach. This turned key ready 3-bedrooms, 3-baths cozy home on the inside has interconnected living areas,fireplace,new kitchen & bathrooms,electric shades,wood floors,sloped ceilings,natural sunlight,impact windows,surround sound system,EV charger & more.This is…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $5,950,000
Contemporary luxury home on Miami Beach’s most exclusive address, North Bay Road! This fully remodeled 4-bedroom 4-bath home exudes elegance and sophistication, and features open floor plan with expansive living areas, high-end finishes, beautiful wood floors, and Smart control system. The large gourmet kitchen is equipped with top appliances, cooking island, and breakfast bar. Upstairs…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Surprise Lake
List Price: $5,900,000
Coming Summer 2024! Brand new timeless modern construction in the heart of Miami Beach! This home is designed by renowned architect Boutros Bou-Nahra has a total of 3,990 SF, 5 bedrooms 6 bathrooms, a courtyard and large terraces! The design of the home is derived from programmatic efficiency and emphasized by the architectural elements of…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Riviera 1st & 2nd Addn Amd
List Price: $5,595,000
Brand new modern masterpiece coming soon to the exclusive Palm Island! Comprised of 4 en-suite bedrooms, this 3,077-sf residence has been designed to perfection featuring sleek interior finishes, an open floor plan and functional indoor-outdoor living. Other features include parking court and garage,private pool surrounded by lush landscape and a 370 Sqft rooftop deck offering…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Addn
List Price: $5,500,000
Vacant land opportunity to build your dream home! This pre-construction gem has been meticulously designed to curate the ultimate waterfront luxury home. 4606 Prairie Villa features a 5-bedroom main house, including a flexible main-level bedroom for a private office, and a master suite with captivating waterfront views. A detached gym/guestroom/6th bedroom offers a private terrace,…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Beach View Addn
List Price: $5,500,000
One-of-a-kind rare opportunity to own a spectacular 1936 art deco gem originally designed by renowned Architect Martin L. Hampton and lovingly restored by current owner with a deep understanding and respect of its heritage. Period details and original materials have been salvaged, whilst updating the landscaping, layout and interiors with a contemporary feel. This prestigious…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Rivo Alto Amd
List Price: $5,470,000
Venetian Islands gem! Behind stately gates, this 2-story Mediterranean Turnkey seamlessly blends classic sophistication with modern style.
Recently renovated, it boasts new windows, a new roof, and exquisite updates, including rotunda windows, a winding staircase, and a marble fireplace. The chef’s kitchen features a Miele stove, a double fridge, and a wine cooler.
Enjoy abundant natural light…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Beach View Addn
List Price: $5,390,000
Legacy Estate on La Gorce Drive. Unique opportunity to own one of Miami Beach’s most esteemed residences with a noted pedigree – 1934 G.E. House of the Future. Situated on an oversized corner lot along a beautiful tree-lined street, this home is the epitome of Hollywood glamour. Offering 5BD/5BA including a full 1/1 guest quarters…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Mid Golf Sub
List Price: $5,250,000
Modern on Meridian in the Heart of Miami Beach! Enjoy serene golf course sunset views from this completely renovated residence, situated on an oversized 11,400SF gated corner lot. Directly across from the MB Golf Course! Inside find 4BD, 3.5BA, light & bright interiors, elegant living spaces, fireplace, & an eat-in gas kitchen w/top-of-the-line Viking appliances.…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Sub
List Price: $5,200,000
Step Inside With Me! Embraced by walls of glass, this ultra contemporary residence by Todd Glaser with architecture by DOMO greets with 18′ ceilings & enviable natural light. Three social areas for lounging & working surround an open kitchen with an eat-in marble island. The second level is home to 3 ensuite beds complete with…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Normandy Golf Course,normandy Golf
List Price: $5,199,000
Your dream home awaits in Normandy Isles! Magnificent waterfront home in guard-gated community, walking distance from the golf course. Stunning contemporary architecture, 2 story, this home features 6 BR / 5+1 B, open flow dining and living room layout. White glass tile floor throughout, modern chef’s kitchen with top of the line Thermador…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Beach View Addition
List Price: $4,993,000
Experience unparalleled sophistication at this exclusive Pine Tree residence. With exposed beams and 13-foot vaulted ceilings, the four-bedroom, three-bathroom home seamlessly blends modern aesthetics with classic charm. The expansive kitchen overlooks a pristine pool and lush garden, creating a refined ambiance for both relaxation and entertainment. Nestled in La Gorce’s most sought-after neighborhood, this home…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Palm View Sub
List Price: $4,990,000
This Med-Deco 2 story corner lot John & Coulton Skinner Architectural gem boasts 3,281 sq.ft. (305 sq.m.), 4 Bedrooms & 4 Baths, turnkey studio apartment, impact windows & doors, barrel tile roof, heated river rock pool, paver patio, chef’s kitchen, 2 car garage, whole house natural gas generator & opulent finishes. The living room showcases…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub,la Gorce Golf
List Price: $4,950,000
Built for a Contractor by a Contractor. Meticulous work and high end finishes.
DOUBLE LOT Contemporary gated residence with 2 car garage & extra parking across from Fisher Park. 4 bedrooms 4.5 bath boasts an open custom kitchen from DADA with Miele appliances.
Impact windows/doors throughout, full home water filtration system, walnut wood cabinetry &…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $4,950,000
Single Family Residence for Sale in Lincoln Sub
List Price: $4,900,000
Live in the heart of South Beach in this historically preserved Mediterranean Revival style home Designed by famed architect Henry Hohauser. This residence amplifies a truly special home attributed to its unique architecture and noble materials used throughout. Featuring 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 gourmet kitchens, covered patio, private tropically landscaped yard with heated swimming…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Miami Beach Improvement C
List Price: $4,900,000
THE CLOSEST SINGLE FAMILY HOME TO THE BEACH; Spectacular PRE-CONSTRUCTION Estate will be Remastered & Rebuilt by Renowned Developer Todd Michael Glaser. 1 Block from the BEACH in the Faena District; where Timeless Elegance meets Modern Luxury. The Only Free Standing House on Collins and Indian Creek Drive. Soon this Private Beach Estate will be…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Point
List Price: $4,895,000
Presenting the Miami Beach waterfront home in the guard gated, private island of Biscayne Point. Largest home on the canal with 5 beds, 4.5 baths,5200+ SQFT, 60 FT of water coupled with a modern designed home, fully remodeled backyard, stackable rear floor to ceiling doors that open entirely for an indoor/outdoor al fresco experience w/…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Point
List Price: $4,880,000
Welcome to this exceptional turnkey waterfront home in the exclusive gated island of Biscayne Point. This move-in ready property was recently renovated and features 60ft of frontage with no fixed bridges and direct open bay access with a brand new seawall and new expansive dock. This 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom home with just under 2500sqft…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $4,850,000
Just a mile walk to the ocean!With fabulous private golf course views,designer furniture and gated entrance,this fully renovated 4bed 4bath is located on the exclusive La Gorce Country Club Golf Course in Miami Beach.Special features include:circular driveway,split floor plan,bright & spacious open living areas,open kitchen with eat-in bar seating,wood cabinets,stainless steel appliances & gas stove,large…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Kerr & Williams Sub
List Price: $4,800,000
Excellent opportunity to build your Dream Home in the heart of the Miami Beach. This amazing waterfront 7,950 sqft vacant lot provides spectacular views and is located just a few blocks from the beach. Building plans are being developed for a 5-bed/5.1-bath state-of-the-art house boasting 3,900 SF of exceptionally designed luxurious living space flawlessly connecting…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Point
List Price: $4,800,000
This remarkable property offers the epitome of coastal living: No bridges stand between you & the open ocean, a paradise for boating enthusiasts with a 65 ft dock. Nestled in the exclusive enclave of Biscayne Point, this luxurious Miami Beach haven is located within gated security. Fully revitalized and meticulously upgraded, this stunning home boasts…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Orchard Sub No 4
List Price: $4,750,000
This stunning home offers a harmonious blend of luxury and functionality, featuring an array of exquisite features and high-end finishes. Immediately you’ll notice the attention to detail from the entrance door to custom-made light fixtures & chandeliers. The kitchen is a culinary masterpiece, equipped with top-of-the-line Wolf appliances, Subzero refrigerator and a separate prep kitchen.…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Normandy Golf Course
List Price: $4,700,000
This exclusive and peaceful waterfront 4-bed/4.5-bath oasis is located in the gated community of Normandy Shores in Miami Beach. Completely renovated in 2021 from the structure to the latest upgrades, no detail has been spared creating 970 S. Shore Dr. Using the best selection of high-end materials, stand-out features include Italian Porcelanosa floors throughout, a…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Sub
List Price: $4,600,000
Major price reduction for this turn key impeccable residence on N Bay rd.
This property is priced to sell and it features 5beds 4.5 baths plus maid’s quarters and offers an array of high quality modern finishes throughout. With nearly 4,000 SF, this well designed floor plan is ideal for entertaining. The home was completely…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Scharfs Resub
List Price: $4,500,000
Discover a rare gem in Miami Beach’s exclusive Biscayne Point Island! This 3-bed/2-bath home offers 2,525 sqft of luxurious living. Set on a private, oversized corner lot, you’re surrounded by lush tropical foliage to maintain privacy. Enjoy immediate access to Biscayne Bay, with a dock and boat lift. Outside, an outdoor oasis awaits with a…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Ocean Beach Addn No3 Re
List Price: $4,500,000
Very rare opportunity to find a double lot with alley access located in the desirable SoFi neighborhood (South of Fifth) South Beach. Ready to develop the house of your dreams, condo building up to 4 floors, or boutique hotel with limited commercial use. *Zoning RPS-1 non-historic encumbrances. Lot is within walking distance to many…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S
List Price: $4,500,000
This charming Mediterranean home makes an excellent opportunity to renovate or build your dream home on North Bay Road and live amongst the most esteemed homes in Miami Beach. Located just minutes from world-class shopping, dining, and entertainment in Sunset Harbor and on Lincoln Road.
Single Family Residence for Sale in Lake View Sub
List Price: $4,500,000
Stunning Gated Mid Century Mediterranean style home in the heart of Miami Beach. DOUBLE sized lot with incredible moss covered old beautiful trees creating such a tranquil environment. Two story home has 5 beds / 4 1/2 baths, Formal dining rm, family rm and Florida rm. This owner has updated this home but preserved the…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Isle Of Normandy Trouvill
List Price: $4,400,000
Situated along the picturesque Bay Drive in Normandy Isles, this stunning waterfront property features Miami’s most iconic views of sunrises and sunsets over the Miami city skyline, offering an unparalleled waterfront lifestyle. Enjoy 52 linear ft water frontage on open bay views, with deep water docking. The current home is 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1,932…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Beach View
List Price: $4,385,000
Prestigious Pine Tree Drive just got Prettier! This completely gated, private oasis was seamlessly upgraded w/new exterior & interior painting, new synthetic grass & landscaping, & Smart Home technology. The residence features a new open gas kitchen w/ Wolf & Sub Zero appliances & island, new impact windows & doors, carport w/garage door, & new…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Beach View Addn
List Price: $4,300,000
Beautiful Mediterranean home on prestigious La Gorce Drive. With its open concept, this residence offers the perfect blend of elegance and functionality. The home features 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. With 13ft ceilings and hardwood floors, the interior exudes a sense of grandeur and warmth. Large windows throughout offer natural light, creating a welcoming inviting…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Beach-2nd Addn
List Price: $4,300,000
Beautiful wide bay views with Indian Creek Island in background, no bridges to bay, 4/4 pool home near cul de sac in a small gated Miami Beach (Nobe) community. This house has the original master on the ground floor, and a huge master suite with a spa bath/ separate shower and large closets on the…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Rivo Alto Amd
List Price: $4,250,000
Stunning Corner Lot on Rivo Alto Island
Welcome to your dream home located on the prestigious Rivo Alto Island in the beautiful Venetian Islands. This remarkable property offers a unique opportunity to build your own custom-designed masterpiece, featuring a spacious 4 bedroom, 4.5 bathroom home spanning almost 4,000 square feet.
Situated on a coveted corner lot,…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Rivo Alto Amd
List Price: $4,250,000
Welcome to Casa Venetia – a stylish and sun-filled 4 bedroom/3 bathroom house on prestigious Rivo Alto Island with large swimming pool. Open floor-plan kitchen/dining/living with original fireplace and separate office. Plantation shutters, impact windows and fully built-out closets. Gourmet kitchen with stainless-steel appliances and big walk-in pantry. Washer/Dryer. Two zone central AC with Nest…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Beach-2nd Addn
List Price: $4,200,000
Welcome to 1480 Stillwater Dr! This fully renovated home in Miami Beach’s guard gated Stillwater features 3 bedrooms 2 and a half bathrooms and an open floorplan. A beautiful KOI fish pond surrounds floating steps upon entering the house. Enjoy wide open bay views from all living areas. This home has a modern kitchen, porcelain…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Surprise Lake
List Price: $4,177,000
The contemporary 2-story home boasts a sleek design and is situated on a lushly landscaped 7,500 SF lot. The 4BR/4+1BA open concept floor plan offers a formal living room with soaring ceilings and lounge areas, a chic eat-in kitchen with center island & top-of-the-line appliances, plus large windows that stream serene natural light. Home features…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Beach-2nd Addn
List Price: $4,175,000
Property also available for a year lease. Short term rentals are illegal and not permitted.
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Addn
List Price: $4,099,000
This Miami Beach home has been completely renovated in the heart of sought-after Nautilus neighborhood. Featuring 4 Bedrooms, 4.5 Bathrooms, and an open floor plan that has preserved the original architectural details while transforming the property into a modern beach oasis showered with natural light. The home is equipped with European oak floors, chef’s kitchen…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Sub
List Price: $4,000,000
Tastefully remodeled pool home on prestigious North Bay Road. This beautiful completely transitional style home offers 3 bedrooms upstairs and 2 bedrooms downstairs, 3544 of interior space, custom modern kitchen with Quartz countertops, marble finishes in every bath, spacious primary suite with 2 walk-in closets, wood like ceramic tile floors, LED lighting, generator. Centrally located…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Extension
List Price: $4,000,000
Introducing 4321 Alton Road, completely renovated turnkey residence that has been impeccably transformed to combine the elegance of the Miami Beach vernacular with all new contemporary finishes and systems. This 2 story modernized open concept floor plan features include dual first and second floor primary bedrooms, a large terrace overlooking the backyard and pool area,…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S
List Price: $3,999,000
Welcome to this private oasis on coveted North Bay Road. Offering a fantastic floor-plan w/ 3 bedrooms upstairs & 2 downstairs, totaling 5BD/5BA + den/office. Enjoy sun drenched interiors, an open eat-in kitchen w/ cooking island, Great room w/ working fireplace, high ceilings, gleaming wood & marble floors, impact windows & doors, & primary suite…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Lincoln Sub
List Price: $3,995,000
“Villa Merida” – a 3,200-square-foot, 5 Bed/4 Bath Mediterranean villa with a large backyard and swimming pool – is a fully licensed short-term rental property ideal to operate as a Bed & Breakfast or for weekly rentals (e.g. families, reunions, weddings, bachelor/bachelorette parties, corporate retreats, seminars, training, focus groups, etc.). The property features a chef’s…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Extension 2nd
List Price: $3,950,000
A rare offering in an fantastic neighborhood, this is an exceptional opportunity to purchase prime land in Miami Beach’s Nautilus neighborhood. Plans have been drawn up by renowned architect Miguel Concha Loyola for a stunning contemporary haven. With a career spanning over 25 years in construction and design, Miguel has garnered a wide array of…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Sub
List Price: $3,895,000
Welcome to your dream home located in the heart of Miami Beach in Alton Road. This luxury home offers a perfect balance of modern aesthetics and classic charm, with high-end finishes and a floor plan that caters to your every need, 4 bedrooms and 4 and a half baths for your family and guests. The…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Normandy Golf Course
List Price: $3,890,000
Unique MIMO WATERFRONT Charm! This 3,248 SQFT home w/65 ft of waterfront, is located in the gated community of Normandy Shores in Miami Beach. Open floor plan, formal dinning, living and family room, ideal for entertaining. Spacious designer kitchen w/brand new appliances, quartz countertops and dinning area. Four Large and luminous bedrooms w/3 baths redone…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Beach View Addn
List Price: $3,849,000
La Gorce Dr. and ON the Golf Course! More bedrooms, bathrooms and more sqft than the taxroll measuring 2900+ sqft. Enjoy the pool and open direct views of Historic La Gorce Golf Course. The Interior is classically finished with wood floors, open living areas, and vaulted ceilings in the Great Room. This house sits on…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Point
List Price: $3,685,000
Located in the prestigious island of Biscayne Point, this charming family home is a gem. It features 4 beds, 4 baths and a covered garage. The house has been fully remodeled with impeccable taste and high quality materials. The floor plan opens on a modern kitchen as well as a separate dining area and a…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Beach-2nd Addn
List Price: $3,680,000
Beautiful Water front House. Ready to move in and enjoy the Sun and Water access or Built to Perfection. This property has a beautiful Pool area and Back yard. Dock and Easy Access to Ocean.
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $3,595,000
Paradise! Updated pool home tucked behind a lush privacy hedge on prestigious upper N Bay Rd. The gated entry leads you past a luxurious garden and to the front steps of this fully renovated Mid-Century modern home. This home features beautiful limestone and walnut hardwood floors, 3 bedrooms and 3 baths plus a private office/library…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Palm View Sub
List Price: $3,550,000
The property is ready to be redeveloped and is in a RM-1 (Residential Multifamily) Zoning area, 1 block from Lincoln Rd. Build a single-family house or multiple units up to 9,375 sf (Lot size 50 x 150 = 7,500 X 1.25) with up to 4 stories high. The house is in the lovely, charming Palm…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Palm Island
List Price: $3,500,000
Most affordable house out of all the Gated Island Communities in Miami Beach and the only community with Miami Beach Police at the guard gate. The community also features a picturesque park, adding to its charm. This residence could serve as your idyllic Miami getaway house, a full-time dwelling, or even a fantastic chance to…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Beach View Addn
List Price: $3,499,000
Art Deco Classic Home. Hurricane Impact windows throughout home. Wood burning fireplace in the living room.
Kitchen and Primary bedroom expanded and added in 2007.Both rooms with 10 ft ceilings, second floor Primary bedroom has a beautiful 6’x 17’terrace overlooking pool. Pool is 3–8-foot depth with beautiful glass tiling throughout. Heated spa and waterfall attached. Home…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Point
List Price: $3,499,000
This Biscayne Point, Florida house is all about location. Nestled in the exclusive Biscayne Point island community, it offers serene waterfront living while being a stone’s throw away from the lively Miami Beach scene. The open-concept interior boasts modern design, a chef’s dream kitchen, three spacious bedrooms, and an enticing outdoor space with a boat…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Orchard Sub 2 & 3
List Price: $3,495,000
Just renovated 4 Bed / 4.5 bath on a 10,000 square foot lot on one of the most attractive streets in Mid-Beach. Stately Colonial-Mediterranean facade with excellent curb appeal. The giant great room features voluminous cathedral ceilings centered around an original fireplace. A flowing layout with defined yet open living areas includes a formal dining…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Rivo Alto Amd
List Price: $3,490,000
Step Inside With Me! Art Deco Vibes on the Venetian Islands! This updated charmer features glamorous double
height ceilings in the fireplace room with custom bar. 4 more distinct living areas – dining, TV room, breakfast
nook, lounge- surround the contemporary kitchen. 2 downstairs bedrooms complete the main level. Head upstairs
to 3 more bedrooms, including a primary…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Beach-2nd Addn
List Price: $3,450,000
Boat lovers, this is a very charming house, with heated pool and private sand beach. Easy to show. On the bay and walking distance to the beach.
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $3,395,000
This stunningly renovated home will immediately demand your attention as you step through the door, with its large open living spaces and high end finishes. This light filled 5 bed, 3.5 bath is perfectly situated on a corner lot in Miami’s prestigious Mid-Beach neighborhood. The second floor of this two story home is completely designated…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Lake View Sub
List Price: $3,290,000
Tastefully updated home in Miami Beach’s Lakeview neighborhood. These 3 beds 3 baths 1 car garage will amaze you with its open floor plan, high ceiling w wood beams, custom wine cellar, large eat in kitchen with gas range, and Miele appliances throughout, Breakfast nook overlooking the 15×60 foot , 6’deep heated salt/chlorine pool. On…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Beach View Addn
List Price: $3,200,000
Charming 4 Bedroom and 3 Bathroom deco bungalow-style home with lots of natural light and a fantastic cozy feel. Features original arquitectural details and marble floors throughout. Enjoy the view of the beautifully landscaped front yard and the large terrace with a pool. Impact windows throughout the house and refurbished roof. Next-door corner house, 6000…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $3,200,000
Price improved and seller motivated! IMMACULATE estate in the heart of Miami Beach. The perfect blend of sophistication, elegance, comfort and style. Nestled on an oversized 8,213 sf lot, this home defines attention to detail & livability. The indoor-outdoor flow starts w the front pivot door & sweeps through the perfectly appointed interior to the…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Addn
List Price: $3,195,000
This impeccably remodeled move in ready home in Nautilus offers an estate automatic privacy fence, marble drive way with multi-car parking, new roof, high impact windows, open floor plan, master bedroom on the main floor, second master bedroom on the top floor, oversized guest bedrooms, walk in closets, and open floor plan.
Tastefully designed with…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Mid Golf Sub 1st Addn
List Price: $3,000,000
Welcome Home! One of the Most Desired Streets and Best Locations in Miami Beach. Incredibly charming 2 stories home built in 1926. Fabulous Architectural details in this home features two beautiful stone fireplaces, a detached 2 story guest house and a tropical oasis backyard perfect for relaxation. Enjoy your morning coffee or an afternoon cocktail…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Point
List Price: $3,000,000
Completely renovated stylish Mid-Century Modern home with 60′ ft of water frontage, 1 bridge in Exclusive / Gated Biscayne Point. Beautifully designed 3 bed / 2 bath residence with high quality finishes, polished terrazzo floors, high ceilings, oversized impact windows/doors & stunning contemporary gas kitchen. Tired of high electric bills? New $30K Solar Panels will…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S
List Price: $2,999,999
Captivating 3-bed/2.5-bath residence on Miami Beach! This home boasts potential, offering flexibility to expand. Step through delightful courtyard entry into open-concept space, seamlessly connecting living, dining, & family room. Kitchen features white cabinetry & offers a cozy space for a breakfast nook. Split floorplan ensures privacy, w/ dedicated primary suite featuring its own retreat. Two…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Orchard Sub No 4
List Price: $2,999,180
Come see this spacious Miami Beach home with historic charm. 3,305 Sqft. under air. Enter through a tranquil butterfly garden & feel right at peace. This spacious open floor plan with lots of natural light with skylights has four bedrooms and four bathrooms. Vaulted ceilings with exposed original beams centered around a beautiful fireplace in…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Espanola Villas 1st Addn
List Price: $2,995,000
Welcome to 729 Espanola Way a true trophy landmark designed by noted architect V. H. Nellenbogen. Mediterranean Revival stunner on the prettiest street in Miami Beach, reinterpreted for the 21st century with luxury finishes. 2 homes (attached duplex) within the compound. 1st home with grand appeal, soaring ceilings and chapel essence featuring 2 bedrooms, Jack…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Surprise Lake
List Price: $2,950,000
Charming 5 Bedroom, 4 Bathroom Single Family House, 2980 Sqft, plus an Independent Guest Studio with kitchenette and full bathroom. Large Lot, Heated Pool and Jacuzzi. Surrounded by a tropical setting, with two majestic mango trees shading the large, comfortable garden. Welcome to 4560 Post Avenue, a tropical retreat nestled in the heart of vibrant…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S
List Price: $2,950,000
Renovated great home on a buildable sized lot. One of Miami Beach’s most desirable neighborhoods the famous North Bay Road. Enjoy the best living Miami has to offer! This Home offers 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2baths, living room with fireplace, renovated kitchen & bathrooms, dining area, family room & hardwood floor, attached garage, all appliances remain.…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Beach-2nd Addn
List Price: $2,950,000
Lowest price Waterfront residence with wide bay views in Miami-Dade county, has dock, and quick ocean access. Building currently a 4plex: has a 2 bedroom + den apt in the back, and three 1 bedroom apts in the front. (2945 sq ft w a/c) + 600 sq ft patio. The large owners unit in the…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $2,890,000
Rare opportunity to own this freshly-updated 3-bed/3-bath + den home on prestigious North Bay Road. 5371 is situated on an expansive 7,737 SF lot with an oversized backyard and plenty of outdoor space – perfect to entertain & bbq. The split floor plan separates the bedrooms from the oversized living and dining areas, complemented by…
Single Family Residence for Sale in San Marino Island
List Price: $2,875,000
This sunny and sophisticated Art Deco bungalow plus guesthouse on San Marino Island offers a midmod environment that bursts with color. Enjoy the privacy of a lush backyard with pool and garden complemented by a mid-century interior design by renowned Robert Kaner. Representing Miami Beach’s ‘style moderne’ at its finest, this is an opportunity to…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Orchard Sub No 4
List Price: $2,800,000
Experience the epitome of Miami Beach luxury in this stylish 3-bed, 3-bath home located in a friendly family neighborhood. Meticulously updated, the living room boasts soaring cathedral ceilings, creating an expansive and inviting atmosphere. The updated kitchen features pristine white marble counters, combining modern sophistication with functionality. Step outside to a tastefully designed pool, a…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Oceanside Sec Isle Of Nor
List Price: $2,800,000
Own your piece of paradise in this secluded gem within two minutes from beach and upscale living neighborhood.
Located in one of most sought places to raise a family or enjoy a comfortable retirement.
Property features a modern look with a ample patio area and jacuzzi for entertainment
Single Family Residence for Sale in Mid Golf Sub
List Price: $2,695,000
Classic Mediterranean home with remarkable architectural details and grand proportions. Over 3,600 square feet in the main house plus a large guest cottage set on a 10,400 square foot oversized lot. Big rooms, high ceilings, and an open feel differentiate this home from others of this time period. Located on a handsome treelined street, steps…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Sub
List Price: $2,695,000
BEST PRICE ON NORTH BAY ROAD! This newly constructed home checks all the boxes! Ideal location, close to everything. Offering open sun-filled living spaces, soaring high double height ceilings in the great room, 9.5′ ceilings throughout, gas fireplace, laundry room, & a terrific floor-plan w/4 bedrms upstairs all w/ensuite baths. The huge primary suite has…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Orchard Sub 2 & 3
List Price: $2,600,000
Reimagine this classic Miami Beach home located in the highly desirable Mid Beach area. This well adorned home is situated on a spacious 10,000 sqft lot. The home is filled with sunlight and surrounded by beautiful trees. Warmly greeted by the fireplace, the home has 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. An expansive family room that…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Isle Of Normandy Trouvill
List Price: $2,590,000
Welcome to this stunning 2-story home in Normandy Isles! With its high ceilings and great layout, you’ll feel the spaciousness from the moment you step inside. The large windows flood the rooms with natural light, creating a bright and welcoming atmosphere.The kitchen featuring oversized cabinets, an induction cooktop, a wine refrigerator, and dishwasher. The…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Isle Of Normandy Miami Vi
List Price: $2,500,000
Wow! Beautifully Redone And Spacious 4 Bed/ 3 Bath Gated Single Family Home With Unique Floorplan In Coveted Area Of Normandy Isles. Finest Finishes Include: New Roof, New Impact Windows, Newly Redone Pool, New Kitchen And Bathrooms, Just Painted! Huge Pool/ Patio Area Complete With A Covered Bar – Perfect For Entertaining and Huge Driveway…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $2,499,000
5208 Alton Rd is a unique Santa Fe Adobe style Single Family Home ready for complete renovations and or build your own exquisite 2 Story Residence in the heart of Miami Beach. 8,839 square foot lot, 4776 square foot living area 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms minutes from mid beach, world-class dining, shopping, Bay Rd and…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Miami Beach Improvement C
List Price: $2,499,000
Triplex – Duplex – Single Family property located 1/2 block from beach with private waterfront property for dock or water access. Located near the booming fauna neighborhood . Lots of shopping , restaurants , bars and very secluded. Property has 2 private parking spaces and a yard. One of the only properties of this type.…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Ocean Beach Addn No 3
List Price: $2,475,000
Discover luxurious living at 1443 Lenox Ave, an exquisite sanctuary in Miami Beach. This enchanting 3BR/2BA single-family home provides a private paradise with lush landscaping and a sparkling pool. Each room bathes in natural light, complementing the open, airy layout. Savor quiet moments under the swaying palm trees in your own backyard retreat. Perfect for…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Normandy Waterway Sub,normandy Isle
List Price: $2,475,000
63′ of wide canal waterfront. This 1945 “old Florida” style home sets the stage for an unparalleled coastal living experience. Designed by famed Miami Beach architect Joseph DeBrita, the home encompasses 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms & offers expansive indoor-outdoor living spaces & breathtaking water views that will leave you in awe. The newer impact sliding…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Extension
List Price: $2,475,000
Charming and spacious upgraded Spanish style home with impact windows, garden view and fabulous layout so that everyone in the home can have their own privacy. Fantastic large family home. Very serene backyard. Large lot with the opportunity for a pool in the front or the back of the home. Move in as is or…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Lake View Sub
List Price: $2,450,000
Live in Lovely Lakeview, located on one of the best streets in the neighborhood! This polished move-in ready residence has been remodeled to perfection, offering 4BD & 3BA. Inside find chic interiors w/ an abundance of natural light, impact windows & doors, a fantastic floor-plan, & fully updated eat-in gas kitchen w/ island, marble countertops,…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Sub
List Price: $2,443,000
NEW PRICE! ONLY $861 PER SF! Golfer’s Paradise situated on coveted La Gorce Country Club! Experience serene golf course views from this walled & gated 4BD + office/3.5 BA home w/ 2,836SF of sun-filled living spaces. Offering an oversized courtyard, Florida Room w/ huge windows, high ceilings, eat-in kitchen, & a fantastic floor-plan w/ 4…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $2,375,000
This charming 3 bed + office, 3 bath Mediterranean home is the epitome of lush Miami Beach living. As you step inside, you’re greeted by a spacious and open floor plan that seamlessly blends style and functionality. This residence boasts a light-filled, inviting living area, a beautifully designed kitchen updated with modern finishes and top-of-the-line…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Orchard Sub No 1
List Price: $2,375,000
This elegant home is waiting to be restored to its splendor with expansive rooms and natural light throughout. The main living area has a beautiful stone fireplace and formal dining room. Your guests will enjoy a private 1 bed/ 1 bath guest house with private entrance. The outdoor area has an extensive deck and gazebo…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Golf Course Sub Amd Pl
List Price: $2,349,900
An Iconic Furnished Art Deco ‘Palm View’ South Beach home w/ an automatic gate that opens to your beautifully manicured & paved terrazzo driveway w/ a checkered grass inset. 1/2 carport for scooters/motorcycles & 8+ vehicles to entertain enclosed auto gate. Renovated/Freshly Painted to perfection w/custom luxury finishes. An exquisitely remodeled 2Bed 2.5Bath home w/…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S
List Price: $2,299,000
Terrific value Mediterranean style home with new pool located in the heart of desirable Miami Beach. The home is situated across the street from Miami Beach Golf Club, walking distance to Sunset Harbour and Lincoln Road. This 2-story 4Bed/3.5Bath features cherry wood floors, fireplace and many charming architectural details throughout. Impact and soundproof doors/windows, new…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Orchard Sub No 4
List Price: $2,288,888
A majestic entrance on a stunning tree lined street sets the tone for your experience in 4430 Royal Palm Ave. A grand foyer welcomes you into a spacious living, dining & family room ideal for entertainment. All your senses are touched as the flow from front to back leads you to your resort style backyard…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Sub
List Price: $2,250,000
Discover luxury living in the heart of Miami Beach’s coveted and secluded Alton Rd enclave, just steps away from vibrant 41st Street. This turnkey 2,172 sqft William Lane art-deco masterpiece has undergone a full renovation, embracing contemporary elegance. The main house boasts three bedrooms and two baths, while a two-story casita at the rear features…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Ocean Beach Addn No 3
List Price: $2,250,000
Experience the epitome of living in South Beach with this beautifully remodeled residence. Situated in the heart of this vibrant neighborhood, this wonderful home offers 4 bedrooms, a versatile bonus room, and an array of thoughtful upgrades. Step inside and be enchanted by the custom French doors that create a seamless flow throughout the interior.…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Sub
List Price: $2,200,000
Spectacular land located in the heart of Miami Beach, currently project is under design & construction permits. A
private entrance will lead to your enclosed parking for 1 car & 2 outdoor cars. Its magnificent double ceiling entrance will generate a peaceful ambience of approximate 4000 sq fts. The proposed finishes will match a minimalistic design…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Garden Sub Amd Pl
List Price: $2,100,000
Opportunity awaits here in Miami Beach on this 10,811 square foot lot. This home is being sold with approved plans that include a renovation of the existing structure and an addition that will increase the living area to 4,000 square feet. With an open floor plan, separate guest house, and a backyard oasis, this home…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Sub
List Price: $1,999,999
Renovated 1938 Art Deco Home with parquet/marble floors, new kitchen, marble baths, roof is from 2020. Walk to houses of worship.
Single Family Residence for Sale in Normandy Golf Course
List Price: $1,999,999
Welcome to 345 Fairway Drive – where vintage charm and modern living blend flawlessly.
A Zen-like ambiance guides you to a resort-style pool and lush landscaping, while new 48” porcelain floors brighten the interior space. An elegant decorative fireplace sets the scene for entertaining. With four bedrooms;2 ensuite, the split floor plan guarantees privacy. The…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Normandy Golf Course
List Price: $1,995,000
This newly remodeled 4BR/4+1BA home in guard-gated Normandy Shores has been updated w/a new roof, new hurricane impact windows/doors, updated electrical, mechanical, plumbing, electric blinds & hingeless solid wood interior doors. Features rich hardwood floors in bedrooms & living areas, marble floors in the kitchen & bathrooms. Sleek new kitchen sports a black granite center…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Normandy Golf Course
List Price: $1,989,000
Welcome to this delightful Miami Beach home, nestled on an oversized corner lot within the secure community of Normandy Shores. With over 2,600 SQFT of living space, this residence offers a spacious open-floor layout perfect for entertaining. This home features 3 spacious beds/ 2 baths, gourmet kitchen and indoor grill. Step outside to an organic…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Orchard Sub No 4
List Price: $1,895,000
Welcome to your charming oasis in the heart of Miami Beach. This beautifully renovated home beckons you with its high wooden beam ceilings and a cozy fireplace, setting the perfect tone for relaxation and comfort. Boasting 4 bedrooms and 3 baths, including an extra Florida room that adds a touch of versatility, this home offers…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Nautilus Addn
List Price: $1,895,000
Renovate or build new in one of the best neighborhoods in Miami Beach! Located in the quiet and family friendly Nautilus neighborhood of Mid-Beach, this 1,900-sf home sits on a 7,500-sf corner lot and offers a plethora of opportunity for developers and homeowners alike. With some of the county’s best schools within close proximity, the…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Orchard Sub No 4
List Price: $1,795,000
Live 3 blocks from the beach and just 1 block from 41st street! Fully approved and permitted plans for new 3,375 sf home. Architectural plans designed by renowned architect Andres Holman. The new home design includes 5 bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms, private pool, outdoor kitchen, high volume ceilings, and much more. Existing home is 1,790 sf,…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Normandy Golf Course
List Price: $1,700,000
Oversize lot in Normandy Golf Course. Gutted house ready for a completed renovation and approved for an approximately a 1000 SqFt addition.
Single Family Residence for Sale in Lake View Sub,lake View
List Price: $1,700,000
Exceptional opportunity to buy this mid century 3 bed & 2 bath home located in the highly sought after Lakeview neighborhood of Miami Beach. Features include, vaulted ceilings, custom built-ins, new 2021 A/C , 2019 roof, accordion shutters & updated plumbing. Garage was legally converted into a 1 bed & 1 bath space with its…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $1,695,000
Single Family Residence for Sale in Normandy Golf Course
List Price: $1,450,000
Welcome to guard-gated Normandy Isle! Live in this spacious move-in ready residence directly in front of a gorgeous 18-hole PGA golf course. Offering 4 spacious BD, 3 BA, porcelain floors, & sun-filled living spaces w/stunning views. Enjoy a primary suite w/cedar lined walk-in closet w/new floors, separate access to the backyard & spacious bathroom w/duals…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Isle Of Normandy Miami Vi
List Price: $1,250,000
Beautifully renovated home, 3 bed/1 bath main home with a separate 1/1 apartment. Huge yard, new kitchen & appliances, wood floors and new bathrooms. Centrally located in the desirable Normandy Drive neighborhood. MULTI-FAMILY ZONING!! Architectural plans to build a 7,812 SF / 3 story building with 6 units (3 X3B2Ba +3 X 2B/2Ba) with parking,…
Single Family Residence for Sale in 2nd Rev Pl Of Port Of Oce
List Price: $1,250,000
BRING ALL OFFERS MUST BE SOLD!!! NEW CONSTRUCTION!! This beautiful home is located in Normandy Isles offers marble floors and solid oak, a renovated kitchen and bathrooms, custom wood cabinetry with granite. GE profile stainless steel appliances. Crown molding, handcrafted rails. Covered terrace and huge sun deck patio. 1 Car garage, huge parking space up…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Isle Of Normandy Miami Vi
List Price: $1,200,000
Spacious bungalow on Normandy Isle cul-de-sac. Open floor plan with large rooms & 9 ½ ft high ceilings. Chef’s kitchen. Custom cabinetry throughout. Original red oak & walnut floors. Large deck, fenced yard, fountain & mature landscaping. Storage shed for bikes and tools. Impact windows & doors. Adj Sq Ft does not reflect garage conversion…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Isle Of Normandy Ocean
List Price: $1,189,000
Nestled in the heart of Miami Beach’s coveted Normandy Isles, this residence offers a unique opportunity to own a piece of Miami Beach. With a tall fenced-in yard providing privacy and tranquility. The kitchen features marble floor-to-ceiling backsplash and floors, professional-grade appliances, and a huge quartzite eat-at counter. Both bathrooms feature Restoration Hardware vanities and…
Single Family Residence for Sale in 2nd Rev Pl Of Port Of Oce
List Price: $1,150,000
Step into this charming 5/4 in the heart of Normandy. This property has recently been upgraded to hurricane impact windows and renovations throughout the home. Immediately walk into the open concept home with the living room and kitchen adjacent to each other. There are 3 rooms and 2 baths in the front of the home…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Bch Sub
List Price: $1,080,000
Just blocks from the beach, this single family home is ready for you to make it your home. New appliances in the kitchen, freshly painted interior, this house is ready for you to do the finishing touches. Large back yard has room for a pool or simply add personal landscaping touches and enjoy. Close to…
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $972,000
New co-ownership opportunity: Own one-eighth of this turnkey home, professionally managed by Pacaso. Cool and contemporary, this new construction home on a beautifully landscaped corner lot offers elegance and privacy. The backyard features an inviting pool and spa, plus a covered outdoor kitchen and lounge. The open plan main floor includes a wall of built-in…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Isle Of Normandy Miami Vi
List Price: $950,000
Single Family Residence for Sale in La Gorce Golf Sub
List Price: $909,000
New co-ownership opportunity: Own one-eighth of this professionally managed, turnkey home. Cool and contemporary, this new construction home on a beautifully landscaped corner lot offers elegance and privacy. The backyard features an inviting pool and spa, plus a covered outdoor kitchen and lounge. The open plan main floor includes a wall of built-in cabinetry, a…
Single Family Residence for Sale in Biscayne Beach-3rd Addn
List Price: $900,000
Turn key 3 bed/2 bath single-family home in the highly desirable City of Miami Beach. This beautiful house is located within a short distance to the sandy beaches and multiple parks. Comes with impact windows and doors, french doors in bedrooms, brand new electric zebra blinds and electric blackout shades in the bedrooms, new roof,…
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Miami MLS data last updated at 01/03/24