Marble Queen Pothos – Plant Care Guide

Even though the marble queen isn’t the most popular pothos variety, it’s one of our personal favorites! Like all pothos plants, they’re a perfect starter houseplant because they’re resilient, low-maintenance, and fast-growing. Plus, we think it has some of prettiest leaves of all.
There are over a dozen kinds of pothos, most of which share similar characteristics and care instructions as the marble queen. You can read more about other pothos we love, like the golden pothos and neon pothos.
Marble Queen Quick Facts
Here’s what you need to know about your marble queen pothos at a glance:
Latin name: Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’
Common names: Marble queen pothos, marble pothos, pothos marble
Mistaken for: Golden pothos, snow queen pothos
Light: Prefers medium, indirect light but is low-light tolerant
Watering: Every 7-10 days during its growing season, or if the soil is dry & leaves are drooping
Soil: Standard potting mix as long as it drains well
Ideal Humidity: Average household humidity, ideally 50-70%
Ideal Temperature: 60-85 degrees
Cold Hardiness: USDA Zones 10-12
What Is A Marble Queen Pothos?
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