How To Remove Wallpaper: 4 Proven Methods

Wallpaper has made a big comeback as a trendy home design choice. But despite its resurgence, there are still plenty of us dealing with dingy, dated, or downright ugly old wallpaper we don’t want. In our old home, we had to remove wallpaper in so many rooms: the kitchen, the dining room, the foyer, and two different bathrooms! As we traveled from room to room removing wallpaper, we tested 4 different methods, and today we’ll share what we learned.
Removing wallpaper doesn’t require special tools or lots of money. It’s a totally doable project for any homeowner. However, it can be a tedious process that can take elbow grease and patience, depending on the size of your room and the stubbornness of your wallpaper. But having removed several rooms worth of decades-old wallpaper, we can confidently say it’s worth the effort!
You can also check out more before and afters of our once-wallpapered rooms.
Continue reading How To Remove Wallpaper: 4 Proven Methods at Young House Love.