How to Get Cash for Your Home: A Step-by-Step Guide

What you have is a house. What you need is cash. The bills are stacking up, or perhaps you lost some income recently, and the money tied up in your home would help a ton at a time like this. If only there were a way to — poof! — turn four walls and a roof into money in the bank, without the need for inconvenient showings, nail-biting appraisals, or a 50-day closing.
Absent a magic wand, you do have the means to get cash for your home in quick order. The main method is to request a cash offer from an investor or cash-buying company that will likely purchase your home “as is.” To do that, you’re looking to work with a legitimate buyer who sees value in your home and is able (and willing) to front the funds for it, allowing you to get cash out of your home quickly and ideally at a decent value.
Reports from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) show that 27% of existing home sales were made with all cash in July 2024 — but how do you go about finding your cash buyer? Follow these steps that we put together with the insights of experienced real estate experts. Our guide aims to address the urgency of needing cash with the level of thought and care that a sale of this weight requires.