CPE Executive Council: Proptech Innovations to Get Excited About

Proptech is constantly improving. But with so many options, how do you know what is worth the investment? The CPE Executive Council shares what they’re most excited about.

Improving AI
The increase in data-driven decision making powered by new and improving AI tools. I see this trend in investment due diligence, asset management, risk profiling, operational efficiency and customer experience. More companies are digging into the stories their data is telling them, discovering better KPIs and methods in the process and making impactful adjustments. With market conditions continuing to extend asset hold periods, the industry has focused inward on AI capabilities, truly optimizing the data available to improve performance. I see that innovation driving increasingly better outcomes for property investors, operators and renters. —Janine Jovanovic, CEO, LeaseLock

Advancing Data Science
We are using data science to unlock insights that were literally not attainable before. We will continue to push boundaries this year. But we are only using data science for our specific purposes. The more people utilize data science in different aspects of the CRE market, the smarter we will be as an industry and the better the outcomes will be. —Ryan Severino, Chief Economist & Head of U.S. Research, BGO

High-Touch Service
Recognizing the importance of high-touch service across asset classes, our firm launched our own custom app called Hiffman HQ in mid-2024. Tenants in all Hiffman National-managed office, retail, healthcare and industrial properties can now use the app to book conference rooms, submit maintenance requests, learn about on-site programming and access lifestyle-related content. It marked the first time HqO’s platform—which powers our app—was rolled out in the industrial sector. The migration of proptech outside of conventional sectors like office and multifamily is a trend we believe will accelerate in the months ahead. —Carrie Szarzynski, Senior Managing Director, Hiffman National

Understanding Retail
I’m excited to see the new AI innovations that involve understanding the retail customer. There is so much more to learn about the changing shopper. I also can’t wait to see how or if PropTech is integrated into adaptive reuse as there is such a need to understand, integrate and deliver to the changing worker and consumer. —Dave Ebeling, Owner, Ebeling Communications
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