Comprehensive Closing Checklist for Home Sellers

1 min read
Our comprehensive closing checklist outlines exactly what you need before, during, and after the closing process.

Accepting an offer on a home you’re selling is an exciting milestone. It may feel like the job is done, and it’s time to celebrate. But don’t pop the champagne before you’ve crossed off all the items on this closing checklist.

Closing on a home sale can be more work than one might expect. This final phase represents the legal transfer of your property’s title and includes negotiating final terms, tying up loose ends, and executing the financial transaction.

Connect with a Top Agent to Sail Through to Closing

Working with a top agent can help you get to closing day faster — and can get you more for your home sale. Make finding a top real estate agent in your area #1 on your home selling checklist.

If it’s a cash offer, the process can take about three weeks to complete in today’s busy market. If the buyer is taking out a loan, then you’re looking at more like 43 days on average as of September 2024

In either case, there are a few hoops to jump through before you can sit at the closing table. This comprehensive checklist outlines exactly what you must do before, during, and after the closing process.

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