Checklist for Selling an Inherited Property in West Virginia

Learn the steps to selling an inherited property in WV. Is it best to hire a West Virginia real estate agent or request a fast, convenient all-cash offer?
If you’re selling an inherited property in West Virginia, you may find yourself in a three-way tug-of-war with time, finances, and emotions. Selling an inherited home can also come with family disagreements.
This post provides a checklist of the key steps you’ll need to move forward with confidence. Whether you’re navigating probate or deciding on the best way to sell, this guide can help you make a plan that works for you.
1. Review existing estate plans
If the West Virginia home is part of a formal estate plan, review the will or trust documents so you are aware of how the property should be distributed. While you might be eager to get the home sold, pausing to take this first step can help you avoid legal and family disputes.
If the deceased did not leave written instructions or if there are disagreements among co-heirs, hiring an experienced West Virginia estate attorney can help clarify legal requirements and resolve conflicts. An attorney can also ensure that West Virginia probate laws — the legal process of distributing a deceased person’s assets — are properly followed.
2. Confirm the status of the mortgage
You need to know whether there are any outstanding liens, such as a mortgage, home equity loan, or HELOC (line of credit) attached to the inherited house. This can be done through a title search, which will reveal any debts or claims against the property, including unpaid taxes.
Be certain you understand the home’s financial obligations before you proceed with the sale. If you have questions about liens or whether the title can be properly conveyed to you and any co-heirs, present these to your attorney. They will help with the legal requirements and filing procedures in West Virginia.
3. Anticipate your homeownership timeline
If the home is subject to probate, the process must be completed before you can legally sell the property. In West Virginia, probate timelines can vary based on the complexity of the estate, but typically, it takes six to 12 months to resolve.
Until a court confirms that you are the new rightful owner of the inherited house, you should not sign a listing agreement or market the property. Listing the home prematurely can create legal roadblocks and delay or cancel a potential sale.
If the home is held in a living trust or life estate deed, your ownership timeline may be quicker because court approval is typically not required. This can make it much easier and faster to sell the home.