Are you considering selling your Alabaster, Alabama home but don’t have the time, money, or know-how to make necessary repairs?...
We Buy Houses companies in Fort Lauderdale make all-cash offers for homes that often need some work, enabling sellers who...
Do You Know How Much Equity You Have? To find out what your number is, let’s connect.
Did you know the equity you have in your current house can help make your move possible? Once you sell,...
Thinking about selling your house? If you are, you might be weighing factors like today’s mortgage rates and your own...
Want to work smarter, not harder? Nurture your referral pipeline with these tips from coach Darryl Davis for a steady...
With preliminary approval of NAR's deal and a new settlement proposal from HomeServices of America, can we finally all get...
Mortgage fraud scheme allegedly listed investors as homeowners to secure lower interest rates, prosecutors allege in criminal complaint against "Team...
A remodel, strategic pricing, choice photos, an offer deadline and strong agent relationships helped the O'Connor sisters sell a property...
Hit children's TV show "Bluey" is the inspiration for Zillow's latest ad, which debuted Friday morning on NBC's Today show....