Just like for our 2022 Gift Guides and 2021 Gift Guides, we’ve put all three of our gift lists in...
Over the last 17 years, we’ve decorated a whole bunch of houses for the holidays and it means that we...
More than 80 percent of real estate agents work for small brokerages with fewer than 25 agents, and the average...
Recent decline in rates is "some cause for optimism," but requests for purchase loans are still down 12 percent from...
Transparency and communication are more important than ever before. Darryl Davis offers essential talking points for your next commission conversation...
Small brokers may not get as much attention as the big guys, but they make up the majority of the...
To formulate this list of how-tos to start the year off right, Inman's Service Editor Dani Vanderboegh rounded up the...
Kevin Ford achieved viral status for never missing a day of work during 27 years and was able to purchase...
Since acquiring SimpleNexus for $933.6 million and rebranding the company, nCino has been signing new clients and cross-selling its new...
If you’re planning a move to a new location, it’s likely you’re calculating costs — everything from the price of...