How to Fire My Real Estate Agent? 10 Things You Need to Know

After finding a real estate agent, sometimes it doesn't work out. Let’s answer the question, “how to fire my real estate agent?”

Finding a real estate agent is hard enough, but what are you supposed to do if you think you made a mistake? What if it causes you to lay awake at night, asking yourself, “I think I need to fire my real estate agent. How do I do that?”

Your real estate agent is supposed to be someone who can help you through the homebuying process, answer your questions, and try to find a house that meets (or even exceeds!) all of your wants and needs, within your budget. But sometimes things don’t work out — and that’s okay.

“If you’re calling your agent and you just don’t feel you guys are building together to find the right property, then — especially if you’re not in any kind of binding contract — it’s probably good to move on to somebody that you have better synergy with,” says Jason Mattson, a real estate agent who works with 81% more single-family homes than the average Las Vegas agent.

Parting Ways With Your Agent?

First, determine whether you’ll need to formally terminate your contract (if you signed one) and seek legal counsel if necessary. When you’re ready to find a new agent, HomeLight can connect you with some top-rated candidates in the area and help get your home search back on track.

Before we go through the steps of firing your agent, let’s first review some situations that would cause someone (like you) to want to fire their agent and find a new one.

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