How Long Does a VA Appraisal Take?

Most veterans are familiar with the phrase “hurry up and wait,” which likely originated in the U.S. military in the 1940s. But this is an uneasy sentiment when you’re using your VA loan to purchase a home. You have plans, and you want the process to move swiftly.
Unfortunately, the gears inside the Department of Veterans Affairs often turn slowly. A common question that buyers ask is, “How long does VA appraisal take?”
How long does a VA appraisal take?
For VA home loans, the administration provides qualified appraisers with a set of VA appraisal timeliness guidelines, which range between 7 and 21 business days. In most cases, the process is typically completed within 10 business days.
“Every county has its own standard timeframe set by the VA,” explains Warren B. Boizot, owner of BLG Appraisal Group in Denver, Colorado. “The four counties that I cover for the VA all happened to be seven business days. I have colleagues and appraiser friends who handle rural areas or mountain areas for the VA, and sometimes they’re more like 10 or 15 business days.”
It’s important to note that the VA appraisal timeliness guidelines are not “deadlines.” They serve as a useful reference so buyers can estimate how long the process might take, but they are not considered an absolute mandate.
What might influence how long a VA appraisal takes?
Because the location of the home and availability of appraisers are influencing factors, the VA has established appraisal timelines for each state, though some cities also have separate guidelines. For example, the target timeline in Colorado and Utah is seven business days. In parts of Alaska and Montana, the estimate is up to 21 business days.
An appraisal’s timeliness is measured from the first business day after the appraiser receives the assignment. You can check your state’s VA appraisal timeliness guidelines and locate the nearest regional loan centers by visiting this link on the VA website.